Over 2,000 locals forced to flee amid Myanmar military buildup, shelling in Bago Region

Mon, 13 Jun 2022



More than 2,100 people have been displaced by heavy artillery fire from the Myanmar military in Kyaukkyi Township, Bago Region, over recent days, with scores of junta troops entering villages in the area, according to locals. 

“The regime forces, which are stationed in Innpari village on the other side of the Sittaung River, fired more than 20 artillery shells into Leinpin village. Five homes in the village were destroyed and as many as 1,100 were forced to flee to the forest,” an aid worker said. 

The military reportedly dispatched more than 100 security personnel in military trucks to Kyaukkyi Township. 

“Recently, the junta troops were deployed after the military fired heavy artillery. Around 100 junta soldiers from Mone town were deployed to Kyaukkyi and Peinzalote [town],” said a source close to Brigade 3 of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA). 

Junta troops in Seikgyi village fired at least 10 artillery shells into three villages on June 10, forcing locals there to flee, according to local aid workers. 

More than 2,100 people have reportedly been displaced in Kyaukkyi Township due to two days of Myanmar military artillery fire. 

The displaced people in Kyaukkyi Township are in urgent need of food, clothing, shelter and medicine, a local relief worker said. 

“The number of people displaced by the Myanmar military shelling and increased military presence in Kyaukkyi Township has risen to over 2,100,” said a relief worker, adding that those displaced are in urgent need of food, medicine, shelter and clothing. 

Human rights activists say seasonal rains have made it harder for displaced people to get the supplies they require. 

“The Myanmar military attempted to increase its presence and deploy troops in the village. The junta troops used heavy artillery to enter the villages, making it very difficult for the locals to live in the villages. The displaced people may face difficulties such as food and drinking water [shortages] in the rainy season,” a human rights activist said. 

According to the Karen Human Rights Group (KHRG), more than 30,000 people have been displaced by fighting between the Myanmar military and KNLA coalition forces in Mone and Kyaukkyi townships from January to May.

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