On September 12th 2012, Saw M---, from P--- village, was shot in the leg by DKBA Klo Htoo Baw Platoon Commander Neh Raw, led by Company Commander Saw Pah Dee and based in P--- village, while he was driving his tractor to Waw Lay village in Kawkareik Township, Dooplaya District. According to the community member who spoke with Saw M--- after the incident, Commander Neh Raw fired at Saw M---, striking him in the leg, after a request for food, which was inaudible to Saw M--- due to the noise of the tractor, was ignored. According to recent information received by KHRG on October 24th 2012, the community member who spoke with the nurse who has been overseeing Saw M---'s recovery reported that Company Commander Saw Pah Dee ordered Neh Raw to travel to P--- village and express his apology to Saw M---, however, the soldier in question has so far failed to go.

On Wednesday September 12th 2012, a 20-year-old single male resident villager of P--- village, Saw M---, was shot as he was driving his tractor on the way to Waw Lay village. He was shot by the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army's (DKBA) Platoon Commander, Neh Raw. The platoon is led by Company Commander Saw Pah Dee, which is based in P--- village.

Saw M--- was driving his tractor to Waw Lay village and, on the way, the platoon commander, Neh Raw beckoned him, but Saw M--- was unable hear him due to the noise from the tractor. As Saw M--- was unable to hear anything, he continued driving the tractor. Platoon Commander Neh Raw shot at him, the bullet striking Saw M—'s leg. Due to the injury to his leg sustained from the bullet, he required medical treatment and, with the help of his family, he was cared for at Pho Pra Hospital in Pho Pra Township, Tak Province, Thailand.

The community member who spoke with Saw M--- explained that Platoon Commander Neh Raw had requested food from Waw Lay village, and wanted Saw M--- to collect it for him. Therefore, he called out to Saw M--- while he was on his tractor, and since Saw M--- could not hear his calls, he shot at him.

The same community member provided additional information to KHRG in October, stating that, according to a nurse who had been caring for Saw M--- since coming back from receiving treatment in Thailand had been informed by DKBA soldiers that, on September 13th 2012, Company Commander Saw Pah Dee ordered Platoon Commander Neh Raw to return to P--- village and express his apology to Saw M---. According to the community member who spoke with the nurse, Commander Neh Raw had still not fulfilled this request by October the 24th.

Wed, 21 Nov 2012


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