This list describes photos sent out to supplement the following reports by the Karen Human Rights Group:

Related Reports Reference Term
1. SLORC Rape in Thatone District (1/2/93)
2. SLORC's Use of Women Porters (16/2/93)
3. Torture of Karen Women by SLORC (16/3/93)
4. Male Porter Testimonies (17/2/93)


Note that all scars seen in the photos had already had months to heal when the photos were taken, so the wounds were in fact much worse than they appear in the photos.  The peoples’ names given in this list correspond to the names used for them in the reports; these are not their real names.  These photos many be duplicated, distributed or published for non-commercial purposes in the interest of spreading information on the plight of people in Burma.  Prints of most of the photos can be provided on request, but please send a contribution to cover transport, duplication, and postal costs, and allow for the time it will take us to send the negatives out to be copied.  Photos can also be sent via email upon request.

Wed, 31 Mar 1993


There is no data.