Civilians in Dooplaya District continue to be impacted by conflict between the Tatmadaw and armed Karen groups, who have increased fighting since November 7th 2010. The situation remains highly unstable and civilians report a variety of human rights and security concerns related to ongoing conflict and conflict-related abuse. In order to provide as current information as possible on the fighting and related protection concerns, KHRG has developed this page as a 'Displacement Monitoring' section of the KHRG website. Immediate situation updates, news bulletins, field reports, maps and photo galleries regarding the situation for civilians in Dooplaya are accessible through links in the table at the bottom of this page.


Civilians in Dooplaya District continue to be impacted by increased conflict since November 7th 2010, involving Burma's state army, the Tatmadaw, and the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA), as well as other armed Karen groups. Since larger battles occurred in Myawaddy and Three Pagodas Pass towns on November 8th and 9th, the conflict has been characterised by frequent skirmishes, shelling and guerrilla style attacks throughout areas opposite Tak and Kanchanaburi provinces, Thailand.

Civilians living in areas affected by fighting, including villages in which fighting is expected but has yet to occur, have described a range of physical security and livelihoods threats including: death, injury, or destruction of property as a result of skirmishes between armed groups and functionally indiscriminate use of weapons by soldiers in civilian areas;[1] looting of property by soldiers or other villagers;[2] arrest, detention or execution by soldiers that suspect civilians of supporting an adverse party to the conflict;[3] sexual violence;[4] arrest and forced portering;[5] movement restrictions impeding livelihoods activities and villagers' ability to escape fighting;[6] and the fear that prolonged fighting and associated abuses will disrupt the harvesting of corn and bean crops into which many villagers in the area have invested significant labour and financial resources.[7]

Most of these threats are markedly different from the human rights and security concerns associated with the low-intensity conflict that communities in eastern Dooplaya have confronted over the past decade. Villagers have told KHRG that they do not feel safe amid the unstable and increasingly dangerous military context created by the upheaval of military relationships and the re-emergence of open conflict;[8] many have opted to flee with their families temporarily to more secure locations from which they can monitor the security situation and check on their homes, property and crops.[9] Villagers attempting to access such temporary refuge in Thailand, however, have faced a number of obstacles that have caused incoming refugees to hide in dispersed, discreet locations or else cross back and forth between temporary sites established just across the border in Burma whenever fighting occurs.[10] Several sources, including within the DKBA, have told KHRG that they expect the fighting to continue, which suggests that the protection threats to villagers in eastern Dooplaya will remain urgent.[11]

Ongoing monitoring by KHRG







Uploaded Date


Thai Army sends 65 villagers back to Burma from temporary site at Mu Yoo Hta on Christmas Day

Photo update

Displacement; obstacles to refuge; forced portering

Mu Yoo Hta, Mae Sariang District

January 7th 2011


Palu villagers hiding in Thailand respond to interruptions in schooling

Photo update


Palu village, Kawkareik Township

January 6th 2011


Tatmadaw officers urge villagers seeking refuge in Thailand to return to Palu village as 400 additional Tatmadaw troops deployed to the area



Palu village, Kawkareik Township

January 6th 2011


Arbitrary arrest, detention and confiscation of property in the Waw Lay village area



Waw Lay village, Kawkareik Township

January 6th 2011


Palu villagers celebrate Christmas in H--- village due to ongoing conflict and human rights concerns

Photo update

Fighting; displacement

Palu village, Kawkareik Township

January 1st 2011


KHRG Photos document examples of damage to property caused by shelling in Waw Lay village

Photo update

Fighting; displacement; livelihoods; landmines/unexploded ordnances; threats against civilians

Waw Lay village, Kawkareik Township

January 1st 2011


Body of unidentified naked woman found near Waw Lay village

Photo update

sexual violence; civilian deaths

Waw Lay village, Kawkareik Township

January 1st 2011


KHRG photos document strategic displacement of villagers during Palu's harvest season

Photo update

Fighting; displacement

Palu village, Kawkareik Township

January 1st 2011


More shelling in Palu as villagers make plans to hold Christmas celebrations elsewhere

Photo update

Fighting; displacement

Palu village, Kawkareik Township

December 31st 2010


Arbitrary arrest in Waw Lay village and execution in Meh K'Ner village


arbitrary arrest/detention; execution

Waw Lay; Meh K'Ner villages, Kawkareik Township

December 23rd 2010


Long-term consequences for villagers' livelihoods as conflict and displacement in the Palu area continue

Interview transcript

Fighting; shelling; displacement; livelihoods; forced portering

Palu Poe village, Kawkareik Township

December 22nd 2010


Fighting, displacement and human rights concerns in Pa'an District

Interview transcript

Fighting; shelling; displacement; land mines

Hlaing Bweh Township, Pa'an District

December 22nd 2010


Shelling and fears of portering prolong displacement, disrupt the harvest in Palu village


Fighting; shelling; displacement; livelihoods; forced portering

Palu village, Kawkareik Township

December 20th 2010


Night time shelling and displacement in Maw Poe Gkloh village


Fighting; shelling; displacement

Maw Poe Gkloh, Kawkareik Township

December 20th 2010


Shelling in Palu continues to displace villagers


Fighting; displacement; shelling

Palu village, Kawkareik Township

December 19th 2010


Updated map of affected areas of Dooplaya district



Dooplaya district

December 17th 2010


Forced portering in Min Let Bpaing village


Forced portering

Min Let Bpaing village, Kawkareik Township

December 17th 2010


Shelling in Palu displaces villagers, disrupts agriculture


Fighting; displacement; shelling; livelihoods

Palu village, Kawkareik Township

December 17th 2010


Providing education amidst conflict and displacement in Thay Baw Boh

interview transcript

Fighting; displacement; school closures

Thay Baw Boh village, Kawkareik Township

December 17th 2010


Villagers at risk from landmines, shelling and portering in Gk'Neh Lay village


Fighting; shelling; displacement; forced portering; landmines/unexploded ordnance

Gk'Neh Lay village, Kawkareik Township

December 16th 2010


Threats and displacement continue to disrupt the harvest in Waw Lay


Fighting; displacement; livelihoods

Waw Lay village, Kawkareik Township

December 16th 2010


More fighting reported in Waw Lay area


Fighting; displacement; shelling; livelihoods

Waw Lay; Mae Klaw Kee; Htee Ther Leh villages, Kawkareik Township

December 14th 2010


Fighting and displacement in the Waw Lay and Palu areas


Fighting; displacement; shelling; livelihoods

Palu; Waw Lay; Oo Kreh Htah; Oo Hoo Htah; Kyo G'Lee villages, Kawkareik Township

December 14th 2010


School closure in Thay Baw Boh continues


Displacement; school closures

Thay Baw Boh village, Kawkareik Township

December 13th 2010


Fears of portering prolong displacement, disrupt harvest in Palu village


Displacement; forced portering; livelihoods

Palu village, Kawkareik Township

December 10th 2010


Repeated flight and obstacles to refuge in Waw Lay village


Fighting; displacement; obstacles to refuge

Waw Lay village, Kawkareik Township

December 9th 2010


Repeated flight and obstacles to refuge in Palu village

Update and interviews

Fighting; displacement; obstacles to refuge; livelihoods; forced portering

Palu village, Kawkareik Township

December 9th 2010


Tatmadaw soldiers obstruct returning refugees


Fighting; displacement; obstacles to refuge

Waw Lay village, Kawkareik Township

December 9th 2010


Night time shelling and displacement in Waw Lay


Shelling; displacement

Waw Lay village, Kawkareik Township

December 9th 2010


School Closures in Thay Baw Boh village


Displacement; school closure

Thay Baw Boh village, Kawkareik Township

December 8th 2010


Shelling reported in Kyaw Keh village


Fighting; displacement

Kyaw Keh and Palu villages, Kawkareik Township

December 8th 2010


Daily forced labour in G'Neh Lay


Forced labour; displacement

Gk'Neh Lay village, Kawkareik township

December 6th 2010


Fighting and threats in Waw Lay


Fighting; displacement; threats against civilians

Waw Lay village, Kawkareik township

December 6th 2010


House burning in Waw Lay



Waw Lay village, Kawkareik township

December 6th 2010


Portering and landmine concerns in Waw Lay


Forced portering; landmines/unexploded ordnance

Waw Lay village, Kawkareik township

December 5th 2010


Early morning displacement in Palu


Fighting; displacement

Waw Lay village, Kawkareik township

December 4th 2010


Villagers flee to avoid fighting and portering: Conflict continues to impact civilians in Dooplaya District

News bulletin

Fighting; displacement; obstacles to refuge; forced portering;

Palu; Mae Gk'La Kee; T'Naw Hta; Maw Gk'Noe Kee; Kyo G'lee; Kwee Ta'Ho; G'Neh Thay Hta; and Bpaw Baw Hta villages, Kawkareik township

December 4th 2010


Night time displacement in Waw Lay


Fighting; displacement

Waw Lay village, Kawkareik township

December 3rd 2010


More arrests and movement restrictions: Conflict continues to impact civilians in Dooplaya District

News bulletin

Fighting; displacement; obstacles to refuge; movement restrictions; arrest/detention

Palu; Waw Lay; Kyo G'Lee villages, Kawkareik township

Nov 30th 2010


Threats to human rights, obstacles to protection: Conditions for civilians seeking refuge in Phop Phra District, Thailand

Field report; interview transcripts

Fighting; displacement; obstacles to refuge; livelihoods

Myawaddy Town; Palu and Waw Lay villages, Kawkareik township.

Nov 30th 2010


Villager injured, community flees: Conflict continues to impact civilians in Dooplaya District

News bulletin

Fighting; displacement; obstacles to refuge; civilian injuries

Palu village, Kawkareik Township

November 28th 2010


Arrest, looting and flight: Conflict continues to impact civilians in Dooplaya District

News bulletin

Fighting; displacement; obstacles to refuge; forced labour; looting; movement restrictions; arrest/detention

Waw Lay village, Kawkareik Township

November 25th 2010


School closures and movement restrictions: conflict continues to impact civilians in Dooplaya District

News bulletin

Fighting; movement restrictions; livelihoods

Myawaddy Town; Waw Lay village, Kakareik Township

November 19th 2010


Protection concerns expressed by civilians amidst conflict in Dooplaya and Pa'an districts

Field report; interview transcripts

Fighting; displacement; civilian injuries; civilian deaths; looting; arrest/detention; sexual violence; livelihoods; forced portering; livelihoods

Myawaddy Town; T'Ka Kee; Noh T'Gkaw; Waw Lay villages, Kawkareik township; Three Pagodas Pass Town, Kya In township

November 17th 2010


Civilians at risk from continued SPDC-DKBA conflict in Dooplaya District

News bulletin

Fighting; displacement; injury to civilian; obstacles to refuge

Waw Lay village, Kawkareik township

November 14th 2010

Thu, 06 Jan 2011


[1] See: "Protection concerns expressed by civilians amdist conflict in Dooplaya and Pa'an Districts," KHRG, Novmeber 2010; "Arrest, looting and flight: Conflict continues to impact civilians in Dooplaya District," KHRG, November 2010; "Villager injured, community flees: Conflict continues to impact civilians in Dooplaya District," KHRG, November 2010; "Threats to human rights, obstacles to protection: Conditions for civilians seeking refuge in Phop Phra District, Thailand," KHRG, November 2010.

[2] See: "Protection concerns expressed by civilians amdist conflict in Dooplaya and Pa'an Districts," KHRG, Novmeber 2010; "Arrest, looting and flight: Conflict continues to impact civilians in Dooplaya District," KHRG, November 2010; "Threats to human rights, obstacles to protection: Conditions for civilians seeking refuge in Phop Phra District, Thailand," KHRG, November 2010.

[3] See: "Protection concerns expressed by civilians amdist conflict in Dooplaya and Pa'an Districts," KHRG, Novmeber 2010; "School closures and movement restrictions: Conflict continues to impact civilians in Dooplaya District," KHRG, November 2010; "Arrest, looting and flight: Conflict continues to impact civilians in Dooplaya District," KHRG, November 2010; "Threats to human rights, obstacles to protection: Conditions for civilians seeking refuge in Phop Phra District, Thailand," KHRG, November 2010.

[4] See: "Protection concerns expressed by civilians amdist conflict in Dooplaya and Pa'an Districts," KHRG, Novmeber 2010

[5] "Villagers flee to avoid fighting and portering: Conflict continues to impact civilians in Dooplaya District," KHRG, November 2010; "Protection concerns expressed by civilians amdist conflict in Dooplaya and Pa'an Districts," KHRG, Novmeber 2010; "More arrests and movement restrictions: Conflict continues to impact civilians in Dooplaya District," KHRG, November 2010; "Threats to human rights, obstacles to protection: Conditions for civilians seeking refuge in Phop Phra District, Thailand," KHRG, November 2010.

[6] See: "School closures and movement restrictions: Conflict continues to impact civilians in Dooplaya District," KHRG, November 2010; "Villager injured, community flees: Conflict continues to impact civilians in Dooplaya District," KHRG, November 2010; "More arrests and movement restrictions: Conflict continues to impact civilians in Dooplaya District," KHRG, November 2010

[7] See: "Protection concerns expressed by civilians amdist conflict in Dooplaya and Pa'an Districts," KHRG, Novmeber 2010; "School closures and movement restrictions: Conflict continues to impact civilians in Dooplaya District," KHRG, November 2010; "Threats to human rights, obstacles to protection: Conditions for civilians seeking refuge in Phop Phra District, Thailand," KHRG, November 2010.

[8] See: "Protection concerns expressed by civilians amdist conflict in Dooplaya and Pa'an Districts," KHRG, Novmeber 2010; "Arrest, looting and flight: Conflict continues to impact civilians in Dooplaya District," KHRG, November 2010; "More arrests and movement restrictions: Conflict continues to impact civilians in Dooplaya District," KHRG, November 2010; "Threats to human rights, obstacles to protection: Conditions for civilians seeking refuge in Phop Phra District, Thailand," KHRG, November 2010.

[9] "Threats to human rights, obstacles to protection: Conditions for civilians seeking refuge in Phop Phra District, Thailand," KHRG, November 2010.

[10] See: "Arrest, looting and flight: Conflict continues to impact civilians in Dooplaya District," KHRG, November 2010; "Threats to human rights, obstacles to protection: Conditions for civilians seeking refuge in Phop Phra District, Thailand," KHRG, November 2010.

[11] See: "Protection concerns expressed by civilians amdist conflict in Dooplaya and Pa'an Districts," KHRG, Novmeber 2010; "Threats to human rights, obstacles to protection: Conditions for civilians seeking refuge in Phop Phra District, Thailand," KHRG, November 2010.


There is no data.