IDPs: In March 2018, the local people from Hkay Poo, Saw Mu Plaw and Naw Mu Plaw village tracts, Lu Thaw Township, Mutraw District had to flee again because of fighting. Most of the villages in those three village tracts had to flee to different places and those who ran included elders and young children. They faced many challenges, including with shelters, food, healthcare and education. When they fled, they could not bring food (rice) with them, but they hid some on the way. They went back to take the rice and the home guards provided security for them. Some of them were afraid to go back because their paddy barns were close to the Tatmadaw army camps. However, they borrowed some rice from their neighbours. When some local people from Ta May Hta village, Hkay Poo village tract went back to take the paddy, the Tatmadaw military attacked them. The local people could not work on their farms, so they faced the livelihood problems. They want the Tatmadaw to go back to their own army base. Otherwise, the consequences of the fighting or conflicts will be worse than before. Also, because of the weather problem, the local people were facing living problems. So FBR and CIDKP gave emergency support (Tarpaulin sheets) for the roofs to protect from the rain. The KNLA sent 10 packs of medicine and Karen people from abroad sent money for the IDPs in Lu Thaw Township.