The following list of incidents includes only some examples of human rights abuses committed by SLORC troops in Mone and Kyauk Kyi Townships, Nyaunglebin District (Karen name Kler Lwe Htoo District), Pegu Division, in the northwest of the Karen homeland. This information was sent back by radio from Karen frontline units as part of their routine reports on enemy activities in their respective areas. This is by no means a comprehensive list, but only a small sampling of the hundreds of human rights violations committed against Karen civilians in these townships by SLORC troops between April and November 1993. Similar abuses are still continuing now.


Karen National Union Report
Manerplaw, February 10, 1994

The following list of incidents includes only some examples of human rights abuses committed by SLORC troops in Mone and Kyauk Kyi Townships, Nyaunglebin District (Karen name Kler Lwe Htoo District), Pegu Division, in the northwest of the Karen homeland. This information was sent back by radio from Karen frontline units as part of their routine reports on enemy activities in their respective areas. This is by no means a comprehensive list, but only a small sampling of the hundreds of human rights violations committed against Karen civilians in these townships by SLORC troops between April and November 1993. Similar abuses are still continuing now.

The victims mentioned are all men except in cases of rape and where otherwise noted.

Mone Township

On 2 August 1993 Capt. Nay Myo of SLORC Infantry Battalion (IB) #73 killed villager Maung Tin Win from Ah Leh Ywa village.

On 5 August 1993 Capt. Saw Win Naing of SLORC IB #73 killed Maung Hla from Kyone Bin Seit village.

On 6 August 1993 Capt. Aung Naing of SLORC IB #73 killed Saw Doh Htoo, a 58 year old villager from Doh Doh village.

On 16 September 1993 Capt. Soe Hlaing of SLORC IB #73 killed U Thaung, age 55, from Say Pa Let village. On 23 September 1993 he also killed Maung Kyaw, age 30, from Meik Tha Lin village.

On 28 September 1993, Capt. Tun Kyi of SLORC IB #351 killed Kyaw Myint, age 30, from Tha Htay Gone village.

On 30 September 1993, Maj. Sein Kalah (this may be an alias or nickname) of SLORC IB #351 killed Saw Lah Bwe from Naung Bo village and Saw Tah Ku Nu from Htee To Lo village. The same day, Lt. Tint Lwin of IB #351 killed Saw Th'Dah Htoo from Htan Daw village.

On 2 October 1993 Lt. Tint Lwin of IB #351 killed Saw Ser Mu from Naung Bo village. On 6 October, he also killed Saw Gay Htoo from Naung Bo village, then later in the day he killed Saw Ta Nah Htoo from Th'Kaw Bwa village.

On 7 October 1993, Maj. Sein Kalah of IB #351 killed Saw Hto Ku, age 27, from Htee Klo Lo village.

On 10 October 1993, Capt. Hla Myint of IB #351 killed Maung Aung Min from Thit Chat Seit village.

On 15 October 1993 Capt Tun Kyi of IB #351 killed Saw Tin, a 20 year old villager from Thit Chat Seit village. The same day, Maj. Sein Kalah of IB #351 killed Saw Nya Ko from Th'Kaw Bwa village, then on 21 October he killed Maung Po Ni from Quarter 4 of Mone town.

On 23 October 1993 Capt. Tun Kyi of IB #351 killed Tin Oo, age 35, and Tin Soe, age 30, from Tha Htay Gone village.

On 6 April 1993 Capt Tun Kyi of IB #351 arrested villagers Ko Po Ni, age 35, Saw Kaw Pee, age 38, Saw Pu Tu (age 45), Maung Mya Oo (age 25), U Bo Ni (age 50), Maung Mya Shwe (age 28), and Saw Thu Ree (age 25), all from Own Chit Khin village.

On 3 August 1993 Capt. Hla Myint of IB #351, Company #3, raped Ma Kyi Htwe (age 37, father's name U Maung Shwe) and Ma Mi Htay (age 30, father's name U Thein Maung), in Weh Doe Doe village.

On 28 August 1993 Capt Tun Kyi of IB #351 arrested Kalah Tin Win from Tha Htay Gone village.

On 13 September 1993 Capt. Tun Kyi also arrested Maung Tah Lu (age 35) and Maung Soe Win (age 25) from Thit Chat Seit village, and Capt. Hla Myint arrested Nga Thein (age 35), also from Thit Chat Seit.

On 28 September 1993, Capt. Hla Myint of IB #351 arrested the following women: Ma Kyi Win (age 34), Ma Khin San (age 48), Ma Tin Nu (age 34), Ma Tin Oo (age 32), Ma Win Maung (age 20), and Daw Kyi Htwe (age 55), and one man: U Pah Tway (age 25). All of those arrested were from Myay Yeh village. The same day, he also arrested Naw Gay Po (female, age 30) from Say Pleh village.

On 29 September 1993 Lt. Tint Lwin from IB #351 arrested U Paw Sah and demanded 10,000 kyat for his release. He was released when the villagers paid the ransom.

On 30 September 1993 Capt. Tun Kyi of IB #351 arrested U Hla Thein (male, age 36) from Thit Chat Seit village. The same day Capt. Hla Myint of IB #351 arrested Naw K'Mwee Htoo (female, age 28) from Nga Laut Tet village.

On 6 October 1993 Lt. Tint Lwin of IB #351 arrested Saw Po Htoo from Htee To Lo village and demanded 21,000 Kyat for his release. He also arrested and held Saw Kah Dee and Saw Boe Htoo for a ransom of 21,000 Kyat each, and Saw Po Lah and Bee Htay, who were held for a ransom of 25,000 Kyat each.

On 24 October 1993 Capt. Hla Myint of IB #351, Company #3, arrested women Ma Thaung and Ma Than Hla, both from Nyaung Bin Seit village. The same day he arrested men Sah Ngwe Kyi and Maung Thein Shwe from Myaung Yo Gyi village.

Kyauk Kyi Township

On 16 August 1993 Battalion commander Nyi Soe of SLORC #60 Infantry Battalion killed Saw Ah Lu and Maung Own from Thu Ka Bee village. On 17 August, he also killed Maung Lin Din and Saw Win Kyi. All 4 men were village elders in Thu Ka Bee village.

On 25 November 1993 SLORC troops from #351 IB killed Maung Yin Heh from Sa Leh village.

On 26 June 1993 #60 IB Battalion commander Nyi Soe arrested men U Kyaw Khin, U Chit Tin, U Than, and U Than Shwe, and women Daw Mu Thein and Daw Pyone Cho, all from Peh Thaung village. He demanded a ransom of 50,000 Kyat for them.

On 7 July 1993 Capt. Nyo Aye of #60 IB arrested Saw Bee Wah, Saw Bee Heh, and Saw Bee Ko from Karen Wet La Daw village. Saw Bee Ko and Saw Bee Wah were later released, but Saw Bee Heh continued to be held.

On 24 October 1993 Maj. Yeh Swe of #73 IB arrested Ma Htay Win from the Burmese village of Da Kala, and raped her between the two villages of Burmese Wet La Daw and Karen Wet La Daw.

Thu, 10 Feb 1994


There is no data.