In August 2019, KHRG documented that the KNU/KNLA-Peace Council (KNU/KNLA-PC)[1] had confiscated one acre of land belonging to a local villager in Y--- village, Htoh Kaw Koh village tract, T'Nay Hsah (Nabu) Township, Hpa-An District to build a school playground. The victim did not receive any compensation for the loss of her land, and her attempts to report the case to the local authorities were unsuccessful. She feels powerless and is now worried that more of her lands will be confiscated in the future.[2]


Part 1- Incident Details

Type of Incident Land confiscation 
Date of Incident (s) August 2019

Incident Location (Village, Township and District)

Y--- village, Htoh Kaw Koh village tract, T'Nah Hsah Township, Hpa-an District
Victim Information
Name Naw[3] U---
Age 59 years old
Sex Female
Ethnicity Karen
Family Married
Occupation Farmar 
Religion  Buddhist 
Village Y--- Village, Htoh Kaw Koh village tract, T'Nah Hsah Township 
Perpetrator Information (Civilians) 
Name (s) Rank Unit Base Commander's Name
Unknown General - Htoh Kaw Koh village, T'Nah Hsah Township, Hpa-an District Saw Htay Maung


Part 2 - Information Quality 

1. Explain in detail how you collected this information.

On August 13th 2019, a local villager from Y--- told me that there was a sign on her land saying that it was going to be confiscated. On the same day, I interviewed her and took pictures of the sign. On August 24th 2019, I went to check the situation by myself.

2. Explain how the source verified this information. 
The source experienced this situation first hand. 


Part 3 - Complete Description for the Incident

Describe the Incident(s) in complete detail. 

On August 13rd 2019, KHRG was informed that the KNU/KNLA-PC had confiscated one acre of land belonging to a local villager in Y--- village, Htoh Kaw Koh village tract, T'Nay Hsah (Nabu) Township, Hpa-An District. The victim is a villager named Naw U---. She lives with five other family members, including four children. KHRG was not able to obtain information about the Battalion involved or the exact date of the land confiscation.


The KNU/KNLA-PC confiscated this land located beside her farm to build a playground for their school. They did not let the land owner know about it, and put a sign that says “Do not trespass” on her land. After that they levelled the ground and cut the trees. Three acres of her lands had already been confiscated in 2007 when the KNU/KNLA-PC established their headquarters in Htoh Kaw Koh village.


Naw U--- has a Karen National Union (KNU)[4] land ownership certificate. She showed it to the KNU/KNLA-PC, without result. She used to pay land taxes to the KNU but, two years ago, the local village head said she did not need to pay taxes anymore because her lands had been confiscated by the KNU/KNLA-PC already.


As a villager, she felt powerless to take any action and she dared not do anything. She reported the most recent case of land confiscation to the village head and Township authorities, but they could not help her. Naw U--- did not receive any compensation for the loss of her lands. She is now worried that more of her farmland will be confiscated in the future. 


Part 4 - Permission for Using the Details

Did the victim(s) provide permission to use this information? Explain how that permission was provided. 
The victim allowed KHRG to use the information. 
Wed, 22 Jan 2020


[1] The KNU/KNLA PC is an armed group based in the Htoh Kaw Koh village tract area, Hpa-an District. It split from the Karen National Union (KNU) and signed a ceasefire agreement with the Myanmar government in 2007, but refused to transform into a Border Guard Force (BGF) in 2010. It signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement in October 2015.

[2] The present document is based on information received in August 2019. It was provided by a community member in Hpa-an District who has been trained by KHRG to monitor human rights conditions on the ground. The names of the victims, their photos and the exact locations are censored for security reasons. The parts in square brackets are explanations added by KHRG staff.

[3]Naw is a S’gaw Karen female honorific title used before a person’s name.

[4] The Karen National Union is the main Karen group opposing the government.


There is no data.