This report includes order letters sent by SPDC including summons to meetings, mainly to village heads, in 1999. These orders are often accompanied by threats and carry a heavy punishment for village heads and villagers who chose to evade them.

Summons to 'Meetings'

The orders below call village elders to 'meetings', usually at the local Army base. Village elders are deluged with such orders every week from each Army camp in their area, making it difficult for them to tend their fields and perform their functions within the village. Many of the orders 'invite' the elders, but almost without exception they add the phrase 'without fail'. They are expected to drop everything and go immediately to the Army camp on receipt of these orders. Usually these meetings are completely one-sided: an Army officer dictates demands for forced labour, money or materials to a village elder and gives deadlines, or scolds and threatens the elder for being lax in meeting previous demands. Sometimes the elders are ordered to report on all movements of resistance forces in their area, and are threatened with punishments if any of the information later proves to be inaccurate. The commanders often call all the village heads in their local area to come to the camp at the same time so they can allocate demands to each village, and in this case the orders are copied and sent to as many villages as are required. 

The orders commonly threaten the elders that if they fail to come "the responsibility will be yours", or "the responsibility will fall on the village". The former means that the elder will be arrested and punished, the latter that the village will be punished in some form, which can mean forced relocation, looting or the burning of some houses. Some carry explicit threats, such as Orders #223 and 263, which threaten that if the village head doesn't come the Army will arrest anyone they see from his village. Order #247 threatens to take 'action according to the law' if the village head fails to come, while most other orders simply threaten 'serious' or 'severe' action. Perhaps the most threatening order in this set is #222; it contains no threatening words, but it was sent to the village with two small pieces of charcoal enclosed. Pieces of charcoal are occasionally sent with an order by SPDC officers to warn the recipient that the village will be burned as punishment for failure to comply.

Village heads are usually afraid to go to these meetings, so on receiving these orders they often disappear off to their farmfields or to other places. This usually results in further angry and threatening letters from the Army officer, until after the third or fourth letter the village head has to decide whether to go to the camp or flee his/her village.

Order #222

To:    Chairperson
         xxxx Village

Today [we] have to hold a meeting at yyyy village, so the Chairperson or Secretary yourself must come to the Column Commander at zzzz Village together with this messenger, you are informed.

                                                                                Intelligence Officer

[This order was delivered accompanied by 2 small lumps of charcoal, which is usually interpreted as a serious threat that some houses or the entire village will be burned for any failure to comply.]

Order #223

                Stamp:                                    To:
Frontline #xxx Infantry Battalion                         Chairperson
     Column #x Headquarters                               Secretary
                                                                       Ten-house group leaders

Right now when [you] receive this letter, come quickly to meet with the Column Commander. If[you] do not come, [we] will arrest the villagers when [we] see them on the path.

                                                             [Written:]     Column Commander

                                                             [Stamped:] Column Commander
                                                                            #xxx Infantry Battalion

Order #224

To:     Chairperson
          xxxx Village

Subject:     Invitation to attend a meeting

Gentleman, a meeting will be held so come to yyyy Village Army Camp on 30-12-99, and arrive "today" at 12 o'clock, you are invited.

                                                                                  [Sd.] 30/99
                                                                      (for) Company Commander

Order #225

Chairperson / Secretary                                         Stamp:      
                                            xxxx Village Tract Peace & Development Council 
                                                                Than Daung Township

On 8-11-99 at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, attend the meeting at the Ya Ya Ka [VPDC] office, you are hereby informed.

Note:     Attend without fail.
                                                  Village Tract Peace & Development Council
                                                    xxxx Village Tract, Than Daung Township

Order #226

#xx Light Infantry Division Headquarters
            Tactical Command #xxx 

To:     Chairperson / Secretary
           xxxx Village

To meet, coordinate and discuss matters of Regional Development and Security, come and arrive on 7-11-99 at 0900 hours at yyyy Village, you are informed. (Sunday)

                                                                  (for) Tactical Commander
                                                                   #xxx Tactical Command
                                                         Military Operations Supervisory Group

Order #227

           Stamp:                                                             Date:  6-11-99
#xxx Infantry Battalion 
Column #x Headquarters

To:     Chairperson / Secretary / Members / Ten-houses group leaders
           xxxx Village

Subject:     Invitation to a meeting

1. Regarding the above subject, the above-mentioned Gentlemen must attend at the yyyy Village Peace & Development Council Office without fail (without fail) on 6-11-99 at 0900 hours to coordinate matters of village peace and security, you are hereby ordered.

                                                                     (for) Intelligence Officer
                                                                       #xxx Infantry Battalion

Order #228

To:     Chairperson                                                          Date: 24-10-99
          xxxx Village

Subject:     [You] Must come to yyyy Village

1. Come to meet with the Battalion Commander on 24-10-99. Arrive at 3 o'clock in the afternoon at yyyy village. Come without fail, you are hereby informed.

2. If [you] fail to come, serious action will be taken.

                                                                          [Sd.] 24/10/99, Captain

[The village head failed to attend this meeting, so this order was followed by Order #229 below.]

Order #229

To:     Chairperson
          xxxx Village

[We] summoned [you] to attend the meeting at yyyy but [you] didn't come, so come and arrive on 28-10-99, you are informed again.

                                                                 Intelligence Officer

[This order followed Order #228 above.]

Order #230

Township Peace & Development Council    Township Peace & Development Council 
              Kya In Seik Gyi Town                  Kya In Seik Gyi Township 
                                                                                      - Kya In Seik Gyi Town
                                                               Letter # 5 / 43-1 / Oo-6 / 0908
                                                               Date: 1999 / October 11th 
To:     Village Head
           xxxx Village
          Kya In Seik Gyi Town

Subject:     The matter of attending a meeting

Regarding the above subject, to coordinate and discuss management matters for village tracts in Kya In Seik Gyi Township, the village heads must attend without fail a meeting according to the agenda below, you are hereby informed.


                         Date:          19-10-99 (Tuesday)
                         Time:          Afternoon, 1:00 o'clock
                         Place:          Township Peace & Development Council Office Meeting Hall.

                                                                           [Sd.] 11/10/99
                                                                          (for) Chairperson 

                                                                   (Saw Ee Naw- Secretary)

Copies to- 
               Tactical Command Troops (Base) Kya In Seik Gyi Town
               Office Copy

[This is a typed and carbon-copied order with the village name written in afterward by hand.]

Order #231

To:   Village Head, xxxx [village]                                         29-9-99

-     Report to yyyy camp as soon as possible when you receive this message.
-     We will take action if you fail.
-     We want you to come urgently.

                  Stamp:                                                          [Sd.] 
Frontline #xxx Infantry Battalion                                      yyyy camp
      Column x Headquarters

Order #232

To:    xxxx Village
        Chairperson / Secretary                                                   29/9/99

Subject:     Summons to meet with the IB #xxx Battalion Commander

Regarding the above subject, the Gentlemen must respect the time and come to yyyy Army Camp on 30-9-99 at 10 o'clock, you are invited.

                Stamp:                                                   [Sd.] xxxx, 29/9/99
Frontline #xxx Infantry Battalion                                      Officer xxxx
Column #x Supervisory Group                                   xxx - xxxx [serial #]

Order #233

To:     Chairperson                                                         Date: 19.8.99
          (xxxx Village)

Subject:     Invitation to a meeting

Regarding the above subject, the Chairperson yourself must come without fail to yyyy VPDC [Ya Ya Ka] office on 20-8-99 at 09:00 hours.

                                                                      (for) Intelligence Officer
                                                                        #xxx Infantry Battalion 
                                                                                  yyyy Camp

Order #234

#xxx Light Infantry Battalion
   #x Column Headquarters

To:    Chairperson / Secretary                                           Date: 9-8-99
         xxxx village

Subject:     Come to meet with the Column Commander

Regarding the above subject, to discuss for emergencies, Chairperson and Secretary from xxxxvillage [must] come and bring information to yyyy camp on 10-8-99 at 0900 hours without fail, you are informed. If you fail we will surely take action.

                                                                     #x Column Headquarters

['Emergencies' usually means urgent need for forced labourers or other demands.]

Order #235

               Stamp:                                                                      Date: 6-7-99
#xxx Light Infantry Battalion          To: Chairperson / Secretary     [sic: 6-8-99]
  #x Column Headquarters                    xxxx village

Subject:     Come to meet with the Column Commander

In accordance with the above subject, to discuss important matters the xxxx village Chairperson / Secretary [must] come to meet at yyyy camp on 7-8-99 at 1300 hours, you are informed. If you fail severe action will be taken.

                                                                      (for) Column Commander
                                                                       #x Column Headquarters
                                                                    #xxx Light Infantry Battalion

Order #236

#xxx Light Infantry Battalion
  #x Column Headquarters

To:  Chairperson / Secretary                                              Date: 3-8-99
       xxxx village

Subject:     Come to meet with the Column Commander

Regarding the above subject, [we] have important matters to ask you. xxxx village Chairperson/Secretary, go to call both the Chairperson and Secretary from yyyy village, then come to meet today, 3-8-99, arrive at zzzz camp.

Note   - xxxx village Chairperson/Secretary
          - yyyy village Chairperson/Secretary [come to the meeting]

                                                                             [Sd. / 3/8] 
                                                                   (for) Column Commander
                                                                    #x Column Headquarters
                                                                 #xxx Light Infantry Battalion

Order #237

                 Stamp:                                                           Date: 25-7-99
Frontline #xxx Infantry Battalion 

               To:   Chairperson
                       ( xxxx ) village

Subject:     Invitation to a meeting

Regarding the above subject, the pastors from the Gentleman's [your] village and the Gentleman yourself must come to yyyy Camp on July 26th '99 at 0900 hours, you are respectfully invited.

                                                        (for) Temporary Battalion Commander
                                                             Frontline #xxx Infantry Battalion

Order #238

#xxx Light Infantry Battalion         To:   Chairperson / Secretary        14-7-99
  #x Column Headquarters                     xxxx village

Subject:     Come to meet with the Column Commander

Regarding the above subject, the Chairperson / Secretary from xxxx village [must] come to yyyycamp at 1000 hours, come without fail, you are informed.

                                                                          Column Commander
                                                                       #x Column Headquarters
                                                                    #xxx Light Infantry Battalion

Order #239

                   Stamp:                                                           Date: 14-7-99
         xxxx Village Tract
Peace & Development Council              To:
      Than Daung Township                          Chairperson / Secretary 

Subject:     Summons from the Army

Right now, when [you] receive this letter, summoning [you] to come quickly to yyyy [village]hall.

                                                      Village Tract Peace & Development Council 
                                                        xxxx Village Tract, Than Daung Township

Order #240

To:   Chairperson / Secretary

Subject:     To discuss emergency matters about the village

Gentlemen, there are emergency matters to discuss so attend without fail at the Ya Ya Ka [VPDC]office on Sunday morning at 8 o'clock and be on time, you are invited.

Time:     Morning at 10 o'clock. Ya Ya Ka [VPDC] office, 11-7-99.

                                                Village Tract Peace & Development Council 
                                                   xxxx Village Tract, Than Daung Township

Order #241

                  Stamp:                                                           Date: 10-7-99 
Frontline #xxx Infantry Battalion 

To:  Chairperson, (xxxx) Village

Subject:     Invitation to a meeting

Regarding the above subject, the Gentleman must come to yyyy Camp to arrive on 11.7.99 at 1200 hours, you are respectfully invited.

                                                         (for) Temporary Battalion Commander
                                                               Frontline #xxx Infantry Battalion

Order #242

#xxx Light Infantry Battalion         To: Chairperson / Secretary
           [illegible]                             xxxx village                      Date: 28-6-99

Subject:     Come to meet with the Column Commander

Regarding the above subject, to discuss and ask [you] about important matters, the Chairperson / Secretary [must] come to meet with the Frontline #xxx Light Infantry Column Commander at yyyycamp, arrive on 30-6-99.

Do not fail. Come to meet respectfully. If you fail, severe action will be taken.


Order #243

         xxxx Village Tract 
Peace & Development Council            To:  Chairperson / Secretary
      Than Daung Township

Subject:     Invitation to a meeting

Regarding the above subject, [we] have to discuss about the village. [We] want you to come to the VPDC [Ya Ya Ka] office on 27-6-99 at 10 o'clock in the morning.

                                                      Village Tract Peace & Development Council 
                                                        xxxx Village Tract, Than Daung Township

Order #244

To:                                                Stamp:
     Chairperson                  Infantry Battalion #xxx 

      xxxx village                           Column #x 
                                                                                      Date: 26-6-99
Subject:      Invitation to a meeting

Frontline #xxx Infantry Battalion would like to discuss with you about control matters. [You]must come to yyyy camp on (28-6-99) at noon, (12) o'clock, you are respectfully invited to attend the meeting without fail.

                                                                                Column Commander

                                                                                  yyyy Army Camp

['Control' matters refers to the Army's control of the area, including such issues as villagers doing forced labour as sentries and village elders being ordered to regularly report on all movements of resistance forces. Identical orders were sent to all villages in the area.]

Order #245

               Stamp:                                                                   Date: 26-6-99
#xxx Light Infantry Battalion         To: Chairperson / Secretary
  #x Column Headquarters                   xxxx village

Subject:     Come to meet with the Column Commander

Regarding the above subject, to discuss important matters the village Chairperson / Secretary[must] come to meet with the LIB xxx Column Commander at yyyy village. Arrive on 27-6-99, you are informed.

                                                                        (for) Column Commander
                                                                         #x Column Headquarters
                                                                     #xxx Light Infantry Battalion

Order #246

                          Stamp:                                                      19-6-99
Village Tract Peace & Development Council 
                  xxxx Village Tract

To:     Chairperson, Secretary, Village Mother, Village Father

Subject:     Come to meet with the Camp Commander

Regarding the above subject, Chairperson and Secretary, come today to meet with the Camp Commander, you are ordered. [We] want [you] to come quickly. Come and arrive at xxxx Camp on 19-6-99 at 2 o'clock.

                                                    Village Tract Peace & Development Council
                                                      xxxx Village Tract, Than Daung Township

Order #247

          Stamp:                                                                  Date: 12/6/99
#xxx Infantry Battalion                To:  Chairperson
       Company #x                               xxxx village

Right now, if [you] receive this letter, as soon as [you] receive this letter, the Gentleman must come to meet with the Column Commander at yyyy [village], you are informed.

If [you] fail to arrive, action will be taken according to the law. If the Chairperson can't come, one of his representatives must come and meet.

                                                                          Company Commander
                                                                                #x Company

Order #248

                Stamp:                                                                   10-6-99
Frontline #xxx Infantry Battalion              To:     
     Column #x Headquarters                         xxxx village 

Subject:     Come to meet the Column Commander                    

Secretary from xxxx village, right now, as soon as [you] receive this letter, come quickly toyyyy village to meet with the Column Commander, you are informed.

                                                                          Column Commander
                                                                       Column #x Headquarters
                                                                  Frontline #xxx Infantry Battalion

Order #249

To:    Chairperson / Secretary
         xxxx village                                                                 29-5-99

Now, when you receive this letter, sir, come yourself to meet with the Column without fail. If you fail, you will be responsible, sir, you are informed.

                                                                                  [Sd. / 29/5/99] 
                                                                          (for) Column Commander
                                                                           Frontline IB #xxx, Col. x

Order #250

      xxxx Village                                                                       28-5-99

Chairperson yourself must come immediately to yyyy village, if not the chairperson yourself then a representative must come immediately. You are hereby informed.

                                                                                     [Sd:] xxxx
                                                                             Company Commander
                                                                                    F.L.I.B. #xxx 
                                                                                    #x Company

[A Burmese abbreviation is used equivalent to 'F.L.I.B.', short for Frontline Infantry Battalion.]

Order #251

                Stamp:                                                                 Date: 28-5-99
Peace & Development Council             To:  Headman
         xxxx village tract

U aaaa, Major bbbb wants to see you, so now, as soon as [you] receive this letter, come to yyyyVPDC office.

                                                          Village Peace & Development Council 
                                                            xxxx village tract, Papun Township

Order #252

#xxx Infantry Battalion                  To:  Chairperson
Column #x Headquarters                        xxxx village                  28-5-99

Subject:     Come to meet

As soon as you receive this letter, come to meet at yyyy camp, you are informed. If you fail it will be the gentleman's [your] responsibility.


Order #253

To:    Chairperson (or) Section Leader                                Date: 27-5-99
         xxxx village

Now, as soon as you receive this letter, come to meet with the Column Commander at yyyymonastery. Bring one assistant.

                                                                      (for) Column Commander
                                                                        Frontline #xxx, Col. #x

Order #254

                  Stamp:                                                              Date: 15-5-99
Peace & Development Council 
         xxxx village tract

For a discussion with the [village] headmen, attend without fail on 16-5-99 at 8 o'clock in the morning at the VPDC office.

                                                             Village Peace & Development Council
                                                                xxxx village tract, Papun Township

Order #255

#xxx Infantry Battalion            To:  Chairperson / Secretary           15-5-99
         Column x                             xxxx village 

Now, as soon as you receive this letter, the gentleman yourself come to meet with the Column without fail. If you fail it will be your responsibility, sir, you are informed.

Come together now with the one who brings this letter.

                                                                             [Sd. / xxxx] 
                                                                    (for) Column Commander 
                                                                Pa/Ka Column Commander xxxx
                                                                          Army unit - IB xxx

Order #256

           Stamp:                                        Frontline #xxx Infantry Battalion
Frontline Headquarters #x                         Column #x Headquarters, xxxx [camp]
  #xxx Infantry Battalion                            Ref. No. 100 / xxx / 10 / Oo 1
                                                              Date: 1999 May 4
Village Peace and Development Councils
aaaa / bbbb / cccc Villages

Subject:      Come immediately for emergency discussion

Villages listed above, your village chairpersons must come immediately in person when you get this letter. Do not send representatives, you are informed.

                                                                      (for) Column Commander

Order #257

Frontline Headquarters #x                            Frontline #xxx Infantry Battalion

  Infantry Battalion #xxx                               Column #x Headquarters, xxxx [camp]
                                                                 Ref. No.: 102 / 10 / xxx / Oo 1
                                                                 Date: 1999 May 2nd
     Village Peace and Development Council
     aaaa, bbbb, cccc, dddd village tracts

Subject:     Invitation to attend a meeting

From the villages mentioned, the Chairpersons yourselves must come to xxxx Camp for a meeting as soon as you receive this letter, you are informed.

                                                                          (for) Column Commander

Order #258

Frontline #xxx Infantry Battalion          To:  Village Head                  1-5-99

              Col[umn] #x                               (xxxx) village

Subject:      Come to yyyy Army Camp

Regarding the above subject, [we] want to meet with the village head, so come to meet with the Battalion Commander at yyyy Army Camp; arrive on May 2nd 1999 at 1 o'clock, you are informed. 
                                                                 (for) Battalion Commander

Order #259

#xxx Infantry Battalion                    To:    Chairperson
Column #x Headquarters                            xxxx village

Subject:     Come to meet

Regarding the above subject, as soon as you receive this letter come to meet at yyyy camp, you are informed. If you fail it will be the gentleman's [your] responsibility.

[Written below in red ink:] IB #xxx Deputy Battalion Commander xxxx, 27/4/99, yyyy camp, Division, mother unit Kya In Seik Gyi.

Order #260

#xxx Infantry Battalion
         Column #x 

To:   Chairperson                                                              23-4-99
        xxxx village
        Subject:     Come to meet

Regarding the above subject, now, as soon as you receive this letter, come to meet at yyyy Army Camp. If you fail, it will be the gentleman's [your] responsibility.

                                                                          Column Commander
                                                                                #x Column
                                                                       #xxx Infantry Battalion

Order #261

               Stamp:                                    Section Peace & Development Council
Peace & Development Council                    yyyy village
          yyyy village tract                             Letter #: 10 / 12 / VPDC yyyy
                                                               Date: 1999 / 18th of April

To:     [Village] head      
          xxxx [village]     

Subject:          Invitation to a meeting

1. The Tactical Command group at yyyy village will hold a meeting. Village heads yourselves must attend without fail.

2. The meeting will be held on 21-4-99 at yyyy camp. Come to yyyy village at (0900) hours in the morning and do not be late. If [you] don't come it will be your responsibility sir, you are hereby warned and informed.

                                                            Village Peace & Development Council 
                                                               yyyy village tract, Papun Township

Order #262

                 Stamp:                                                             15.4.99
Frontline #xxx Infantry Battalion
              #x Column

        U aaaa / bbbb 
        xxxx Village 

Dear Sirs,
               When you receive this letter, come and meet at yyyy village today at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. You are informed to come to yyyy village today at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and if you fail it will be your responsibility.

                                                                                  [Sd. xxxx]
                                                                           Intelligence Officer 

                                                                   Frontline #xxx Infantry Battalion

Order #263

To:   Chairperson                                                                    12/4/99
        Ten-house group leaders

Right now, when [you] receive this letter, ask this messenger where the Column is staying and come to meet with the Column Commander. 

If [you] don't come, [we] will arrest the villagers.

Arrive on 12/4/99 and 13/4/99.                                    Column Commander
                                                                                    Frontline IB #xxx

Order #264

Frontline #xxx Infantry Battalion                To:  Chairperson / Secretary

     Column #x Headquarters                             xxxx village

(1) Come now to meet at yyyy [village] quickly.
(2) If it is dark in the evening, come with a firebrand [to light the way; the troops won't allow the villagers to use flashlights].


Order #265

Frontline #xxx Infantry Battalion          To: Chairperson             Date: 8-4-99

               Column #x                                xxxx village

Gentleman, today [we] have a meeting in yyyy Camp, so Gentleman yourself must attend without fail and must arrive in the afternoon at 2 p.m. at the yyyy [village] Chairperson's house. Come without fail, you are informed.

                                                                         Bo xxxx
                                                                  (for) Mobile Army
                                                                     Frontline #xxx

Order #266

To:   Chairperson, Secretary                                                 4-4-99
        xxxx [village]

Chairperson, come yourself and bring the village mother and village father from Chairperson's village, you are informed by the Camp Commander. Prepare and bring a register of the number of cattle.

                                                                                     [Sd.] 4-4-99

Order #267

#xxx Infantry Battalion                    To:   Chairperson
Column #x Headquarters

Subject:     To come to an emergency meeting

Come to meet on 2-4-99, arriving in the morning at 8 o'clock at xxxx camp. If you fail it will be the gentleman's [your] responsibility.

                                                                                 Major xxxx
                                                                          Column Commander
                                                                                 #x Column
                                                                        #xxx Infantry Battalion

Order #268

#xxx Infantry Battalion               To:    Chairperson                       31-3-99
Column #x Headquarters                       xxxx village

Subject:     Come to meet

xxxx Chairperson, as soon as you receive this letter come to meet.

                                                                              Major xxxx
                                                                       Column Commander
                                                                              #x Column
                                                                     #xxx Infantry Battalion

Order #269

To:   Chairperson                                Frontline #xxx Light Infantry Battalion 

        xxxx village                                          Column x Headquarters

                                                                                   Date: 10-3-99

Subject:      Invitation to a meeting

Regarding the above subject, [we] will hold a meeting at yyyy Army camp on 14-3-99 at 8 o'clock in the morning. Do not fail to attend, you are invited. 

                                                                      (for) Battalion Commander
                                                                                  yyyy camp

Order #270

To:    Chairperson                                 Frontline #xxx Light Infantry Battalion 

         xxxx village                                         Column x Headquarters

                                                                                      Date: 9-3-99

Subject:      Chairpersons must come

Regarding the above subject, now, as soon as [you] receive this letter, the Chairpersons yourselves must come to yyyy Army Camp, you are informed.

                                                                        (for) Battalion Commander
                                                                                    yyyy Camp

[Added below in handwriting:] As soon as [you] receive this letter, the Chairpersons yourselves must come. Do not send substitutes. If [you] fail, serious action will be taken. 

[This is a typed and carbon-copied letter with the village name written in by hand. The note below was also written in by hand and signed with the same signature.]

Order #271

To:    Village Chairperson                          Stamp: 
         xxxx village                   Frontline #xxx Infantry Battalion
                                                   Column x Headquarters             Date: 6-3-99

Now, as soon as you receive this letter come to yyyy camp. The Column Commander wants to meet. Do not fail to come, you are informed.

                                                                                  yyyy camp

Order #272

      xxxx Village

Subject:     Every village Chairperson must come and report.

Regarding the above subject, to discuss important matters with every village Chairperson, they must arrive today (1-3-99) and report to yyyy Camp. You are hereby informed.

(1) Full Moon Da Baun (today) must arrive.
(2) Responsible person must come, if not the Chairperson.
(3) Bring information.
                                                                                   yyyy Army Camp

[This order was copied to several villages with the village name written in afterwards.]

Order #273

To:   Village Head                                  Stamp:     
        xxxx village                 Frontline #xxx Infantry Battalion
                                                Column x Headquarters             Date: 15-2-99

Now, immediately when you receive this letter, come to yyyy camp quickly. The Column Commander wants to meet.

                                                        Frontline #xxx Infantry Battalion, Col.x 
                                                                            yyyy Camp

Order #274

#xxx Light Infantry Battalion        To:  Chairperson / Secretary       Date: 8-2-99
  #x Column Headquarters                   xxxx village 

Subject:     Come to meet with the Column Commander

Regarding the above subject, xxxx Village Peace & Development Council Chairperson / Secretary, when you receive this letter come to meet with the LIB xxx Column Commander, you are informed.

Do not fail. Obey respectfully, you are informed again.

                                                                            [Sd. / 8-2-99] 
                                                                       Column Commander
                                                                    LIB xxx, Column Office

Order #275

Frontline #xxx Infantry Battalion             To:

     Column #x Headquarters                          xxxx village

Subject:     Invitation to a meeting

[We] want to have a meeting with the Village Peace & Development Council chairpersons (or) secretaries of villagers from the region of the Frontline #xxx Infantry Battalion Column, so do not fail to attend in accordance with the following agenda, you are informed.

                                   Meeting place              yyyy                
                                   Meeting date               6-2-99              
                                   Meeting time               0800                

February 5th 1999                                                                [Sd.] 
                                                                              Column Commander
                                                                            #xxx Infantry Battalion

Order #276

To:                                                    #xxx Light Infantry Battalion 

       Chairperson                                            #x Company
       xxxx village                                                                              5-2-99

Subject:          Invitation to a meeting

Regarding the above subject, a meeting will be held on 7-2-99 at (0900) hours in yyyy Camp. Do not fail to come, you are informed.

                                                                      Company Commander
                                                                             #x Company
                                                                 #xxx Light Infantry Battalion

Order #277

To:  Dear Gentlemen                     Stamp:                                 3-2-99

     Chairperson or one of the members from xxxx village, when you get this letter you must come immediately with [sic: to] the commander to yyyy Camp. [You] must come at 8 o'clock tomorrow, 4-2-99, you are hereby informed.

                                                                                     Camp Commander

['Members' refers to the members of the appointed Village Peace & Development Council.]

Order #278

Frontline #x Tactical Command Unit                                       26-1-99

Southwest Regional Headquarters
                                        To:    Village head
                                                 xxxx village

[We] have matters to coordinate with you sir, so come to Tactical Command #x at yyyy on 27-1-99 at (1200) hours, you are informed to come without fail.


                                                                                  Camp Commander
                                                                                 Tactical Command #x      

Order #279

To:    xxxx [village]
        Chairperson / Secretary

From xxxx [village], both Chairperson and Secretary come to yyyy village today, to arrive in the evening at 5 o'clock. Do not fail.

               Stamp:                                                                [Sd.] 
#xxx Light Infantry Battalion                                     (Intelligence Officer)
Military Control Headquarters                                         (Frontline #xxx)

Date:      24-1-99
Place:     yyyy village

Order #280

To:    Chairperson
         U xxxx

If you receive this notification letter, come quickly with Kyaun T'Ga [lay monastery helper(s)]. Come quickly.

                                                                             Column Commander
                                                                                  xxxx [village]
                                                                               LIB xxx, Column x
                                                                          Column Commander aaaa

Order #281

                         Stamp:                                          To:
Village Tract Peace & Development Council                     Chairperson
                   yyyy Village Tract                                        xxxx village

Subject:     The matter of calling a meeting

Regarding the above subject, right now as soon as [you] receive this letter, Chairperson / Secretary yourselves come together with this messenger, you are informed.

                                                    Village Tract Peace & Development Council 
                                                                       yyyy Village Tract

Order #282

Frontline #xxx Infantry Battalion                                            12-12-98 
           Date: 12-12-98
Column #x Supervisory Group

To:    Chairperson
         xxxx village

Subject:     Come to meet with the Column Commander

Chairperson U aaaa yourself from xxxx village, come to meet with the Column Commander. If U aaaais not there, the Secretary must come to meet. If neither of them is there, one of the Members[of the Village PDC] must come to meet right now, come in the night. If [you] fail to come action will be taken against the persons responsible, you are hereby informed.

                                                                           Column Commander 
                                                                    Frontline Infantry #xxx, Sa Ka²

Order #283

                Stamp:                                 To:  xxxx village
Frontline #xxx Infantry Battalion                      Chairperson
Column #x Supervisory Group                         U aaaa 

I am writing this letter so that tomorrow the Chairperson and Secretary [of the Village PDC], 2 persons, will come to yyyy camp to arrive on the 8th of December, tomorrow, at 11 o'clock.

We are not going to the uplands, [we] will come down to yyyy tomorrow. Therefore, tomorrow at 11 o'clock come without fail to yyyy. [We] have demands to make.

                                                                   xxxx [place name]
                                                                  #xxx [IB], Column #x 
                                                                       Officer xxxx
                                                              xxx xxxx [serial number]

Mon, 08 Nov 1999


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