Wed, 31 Jul 2024
Doo Tha Htoo District Situation Update: SAC looting and shelling causing casualties, destruction, and displacement, and landmine contamination in Tha Htoo Township (February to November 2023)

This Situation Update describes events occurring in Tha Htoo (Thaton) Township, Doo Tha Htoo (Thaton) District during the period between February and November 2023, including State Administration Council (SAC) shelling and looting, as well as villagers’ displacement and landmine contamination. During the reporting period, the SAC military conducted indiscriminate shelling at least 25 times, firing 135 mortar rounds. As a result, five villagers died (including two children) and 26 villagers (including nine children) were injured. Livestock was also affected, including 22 cattle killed. Property was also destroyed: 17 houses, four monastery buildings, critical infrastructure, and a car were also destroyed by the SAC’s shelling. 20 civilian houses and 26 rubber trees were damaged. Villagers fled for their safety and SAC military looted their properties from their houses. A landmine-related incident was also reported, that injured a villager and her 12-year-old daughter while they were foraging in the forest.[1]



February 2023: SAC shelling caused injuries and property destruction

On February 9th 2023, at 6:30 am, State Administration Council (SAC)[2] Artillery Unit #314 [based in Kya T’Raw (Zi Won) army base, in Shwe Yaung Pya village tract] shelled several mortars in Tha Htoo Township, Doo Tha Htoo District. One of the mortar rounds landed on Saw[3] A---’s plantation in B--- village, Ka Ti Pu village tract[4], Tha Htoo Township, and his rubber trees and betel nut leaf plants[5] were destroyed by the explosion. One of the mortar rounds also landed on Saw A---’s rubber tree plantation, so his 11 trees were destroyed [by the explosion].

On February 9th 2023, at 10:06 am, SAC Artillery Unit #314 shelled several 80mm mortars at a rubber plantation nearby C--- village, Shwe Yaung Pya village tract, Tha Htoo Township, in Karen National Union (KNU)[6]-controlled territory. Two of the mortar rounds landed in Naw[7] D---’s rubber plantation, damaging her 13 rubber trees. Shrapnel also hit a 52-year-old villager named Saw E---, injuring [his face, on] his eyebrow.

April 2023: SAC shelling and landmine incident

On April 2nd 2023, SAC troops [unknown battalion] entered KNU-controlled territory in Tha Htoo Township and were attacked by [combined troops from Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA)[8] and People’s Defence Force (PDF)[9]] on the way to enter Tha Htoo Township. During the skirmishes, SAC Artillery Unit #9, based in Ah Lah T’Ya army camp [located in Ah Lah T’Ya village tract, Tha Htoo Township] shelled several mortars around the fighting area to help their troops [as reinforcement]. Three of the mortar rounds landed beside F--- village, Htee Nya Paw village tract. One of the mortar explosions injured two children who were collecting plums. The injured children are Saw G--- (17 years old), who was injured in his knee, and Saw H--- (16 years old), who was injured in his thigh. They were taken to a local clinic for treatment. The villagers [from F--- village] did not flee, but they were fearful and waiting to see the situation [if there will be more SAC attacks].

On April 3rd 2023, Border Guard Force (BGF)[10] forces led by General No Way, entered I--- village, in Hpa-An Township, and shelled multiple mortars toward Tha Htoo Township. One of the mortar rounds landed on a village farm in J--- village, Waw Poo village tract, Tha Htoo Township, and injured a 63-year-old villager named Saw K---.

On April 6th 2023, at about 3:30 pm, Naw L--- (30 years old) and her daughter, Naw M--- (12 years old), were going out from their village [N--- village, Win Raw village tract, Tha Htoo Township] to search for Kaempferia candida Wallich [one type of local edible flower]. They stepped on a [handmade] landmine on their way to N--- forest, and both of them were injured [by the landmine’s shrapnel]. Naw L--- was injured on her hip, back and right leg, and Naw M--- was injured on her abdomen, legs, hand and her whole face, including her right eye. Therefore, they had to seek medical treatment in N--- village clinic, Win Raw village tract, Tha Htoo Township, run by local KNU. Villagers do not know which armed group planted this landmine because both SAC and KNLA operate there, and fighting often occurred in this area.

On April 6th 2023, at 7:40 am, SAC Military Operation Command (MOC)[11] #8, based in P’Nweh Klah army camp, Maw Lay village tract, Tha Htoo Township, shelled several mortar rounds around their army camp. Two of the mortar rounds landed in O---village, Maw Lay village tract, Tha Htoo Township, and damaged a house and plantations owned by a villager named Naw P---.

Another mortar round landed in Q--- village, Maw Lay village tract, Tha Htoo Township, and damaged three villagers’ houses owned by Saw R---, Saw S---, Naw T--- and Saw U---, one shop owned by Naw V---, and some coconut trees. This [second] mortar explosion injured a 55-year-old villager named Naw W--- on the hip, and a 66-year-old villager named Saw X--- on his left thumb. The explosion also injured a goat owned by Saw Y---.

May 2023: SAC shelling caused casualties and property destruction

On May 27th 2023, at 9 am, SAC Artillery Unit #314 based in Kya T’Raw (Zi Won) army camp in Shwe Yaung Pya village tract, Tha Htoo Township, shelled seven mortar rounds in Tha Htoo Township. Two of the mortar rounds landed in the compound of a monastery in Z--- village, Sway Yaw Pya village tract, and shrapnel from the explosion injured five people. The first injured person is a novice monk named U[12] Aa--- (24 years old), injured on his waist, hand, leg and other parts of his whole body. The second injured person is novice Ashin[13] Ab--- (19-year-old), injured on his hand and right leg. The third injured person is novice Ashin Ac--- (13 years old), injured on his neck. The fourth injured person is Saw Ad--- (16 years old), injured on his right thigh. The fifth injured person is Saw Ae--- (27 years old), injured on his hand and leg. The injured people were sent to a local clinic under KNU administration, and received treatment.

Shrapnel also destroyed a Buddha statue, a monastery’s hall, wall, preaching hall, kitchen, light post, water storage, and three pots. Another two mortars landed at Z--- village grave, Shwe Yaw Pya village tract, without causing any casualties. Three of the mortar rounds landed into Af--- village, Daw Ya village tract, and two of the rounds exploded. Shrapnel from the mortar explosions damaged one house and killed one cattle. Two 15-year-old villagers named Saw Ag--- and Saw Ah--- were also killed by the shrapnel. Saw Aq--- was seriously injured on his head and died at the incident place. Saw Ah--- was gravely injured in his stomach, and also died at the incident place.

June 2023: SAC shelling caused displacement

[During the month of June,] SAC Artillery Unit #314, based in Kya T’Raw (Zi Won), Shwe Yaung Pya village tract, Tha Htoo Township, continuously shelled mortars at villages around their army camp, so many villagers had to flee. One of the incidents occurred on June 8th 2023, when the SAC’s mortar rounds landed in Ak--- village, Kaw Ler village tract, so villagers had to flee from their village.

July 2023: SAC shelling caused casualties and property destruction

On July 7th 2023, at 11:05 am, SAC Artillery Unit #314 based in Kya T'Raw army camp, Kya T’Raw village, Shwe Yaw Pya village tract, Tha Htoo Township, shelled mortars at Al--- village, Shwe Yaw Pya village tract. The shrapnel injured six villagers, and one of them died at a local clinic on July 9th 2023. Villagers helped the six injured villagers with emergency first aid and transportation to seek medical treatment at a local clinic in Am--- village, under KNU administration. The six injured villagers were one man, Saw An--- (25 years old, injured on his right hand); one boy, Saw Ao--- (5 years old, injured at his leg and the right side of the neck); one girl, Naw Ap--- (9 years old, injured at the left side of head, near her ear); and three women named Naw As--- (58 years old), Naw Aq--- (18 years old), and Naw Ar--- (57 years old, injured on her hip). Naw Ar--- died at the clinic on July 9th 2023.

The mortar explosions also damaged three houses and some properties owned by Naw At--, Naw Au--- and Naw Av---, including solar panels.

On July 27th 2023, between 4:55 am and 10:30 pm, a skirmish happened [between SAC soldiers and KNLA/PDF soldiers] at SAC’s Way Raw army camp. SAC LIB #9, based in Wa Pa (Win Pa) army camp, Wa Pa village tract, Tha Htoo Township, conducted an artillery barrage consisting of four series of shelling around the area where the skirmish was happening at Way Raw army camp [to assist the SAC soldiers]. During the first shelling, nine of the mortar shells landed and exploded in N--- village, Way Raw village tract, near a school campus, and injured four villagers. [There were no lessons taking place at the time of the shelling, but many villagers live near the school campus and were injured]. The four injured villagers were Saw Aw--- (48 years old, injured at his right leg); Saw Ax--- (17 years old, injured at the right side of his back); Naw Ay--- (13 years old, injured on her left hand); and Naw Az--- (54 years old, injured on her right hand).

During the second shelling, nine mortar shells landed in an area between Ba--- village, T’No village tract, and Bb--- village, Way Raw village tract. Five shells landed in Nya Htee Kyo place, four shells landed in Mee Chaw Koh [place], and five shells landed next to T’Rweh Kloh stream, in Way Raw village tract, without causing any casualties. [A total of 23 shells landed in these villages and nearby areas.]

During the third shelling, 14 mortar shells landed in Bb--- village, Way Raw village tract, and caused a large amount of destruction in the village, including two monastery buildings, cars, and 13 houses. The houses are owned by Naw Bc---, Saw Bd---, Naw Be---, Naw Bf---, Saw Bg---, Saw Bh---, Saw Bi--, Saw Bj---, Saw Bk---, Naw Bl---, Saw Bm---, Saw Bn--- and Saw Bo---. Entry signposts of village clinics and the monastery were also damaged by the mortar explosions. Shrapnel from the explosions also killed two cattle owned by Saw Bp---, three cattle owned by Saw Bq---, and one cattle owned by Naw Br---.

During the fourth shelling, at 1:30 pm, SAC mortar rounds also landed in Bs--- village, Sway Yaw Pya village tract, and the shrapnel injured a 37-year-old villager named Saw Bt--- on his right hip.

July 2023: Houses damaged by SAC shelling and looting of villagers’ properties

In July and early August 2023, SAC troops (under Light Infantry Division (LID)[14] #44) shelled mortars and looted villagers’ belongings in Bs--- village, Shwe Yaw Pyaw village tract. The mortar explosions damaged eight villagers’ houses.

The eight damaged houses are owned by Naw Bu--- (50 years old), Tee[15] Bv--- (50 years old), Naw Bw--- (40 years old), Saw Bx--- (55 years old), Saw By--- (35 years old), Tee Bz--- (70 years old), Saw Ca--- (45 years old) and Naw Cb---(45 years old).

Table 1: names of victims and list of properties looted

No. [of victims] No. [of victims]
Villager Villager
Property/Item Property/Item
Amount Amount
Remark [location] Remark [location]
No. [of victims] 1.
Villager Naw Bw--- (40 years old)
Property/Item Beer
Amount 4 packs
Remark [location] Shop
No. [of victims] Eggs 
Villager 10 packs [30 eggs/pack]
No. [of victims] 'Super' [brand] coffee
Villager N/A
No. [of victims] 'Birdy' [brand] coffee
Villager N/A
No. [of victims] Soy milk
Villager N/A
No. [of victims] Lychee drink
Villager N/A
No. [of victims] 'Mi Na Ga' [brand] energy drink
Villager N/A
No. [of victims] 'Kaung Yee' [a type of Myanmar traditional wine]
Villager N/A
No. [of victims] Sprite brand [Soda]
Villager N/A
No. [of victims] Battery (Energy Storage) [for the house electricity]
Villager N/A
No. [of victims] Lighter
Villager N/A
No. [of victims] Chili
Villager N/A
No. [of victims] 'Sa Po' [brand] Rice
Villager N/A
No. [of victims] Karen [Traditional] bags
Villager N/A
No. [of victims] Oil
Villager N/A
No. [of victims] Rice
Villager 3 bags
No. [of victims] Chickens
Villager 4 chickens
No. [of victims] Coca-Cola drink
Villager N/A
No. [of victims] Snacks
Villager N/A
No. [of victims] Dee Do drink (Juice)
Villager N/A
No. [of victims] Phone top-up cards
Villager 100,000 kyats[16] [USD 47.61]
No. [of victims] Cigarettes
Villager N/A
No. [of victims] Shoes
Villager N/A
No. [of victims] Dry fish
Villager N/A
No. [of victims] 2.
Villager Saw Cc--- (34 years old)
Property/Item Beer
Amount 2 packs [32 bottle per pack]
Remark [location] Shop
No. [of victims] Phone top-up cards
Villager 250,000 kyats [USD 119.03]
No. [of victims]

'Kaung Yee' [local wine]

Villager 1 bag (20,000 kyats) [USD 9.52]
No. [of victims] 'Super' coffee
Villager 12 packs
No. [of victims] Candles
Villager 70 packs [around 25 candles per pack]
No. [of victims] 'Birdy' [brand] Coffee
Villager 5 packs
No. [of victims] Umbrella
Villager [worth] 10,000 kyats [USD 4.76]
No. [of victims] MSG [monosodium glutamate; seasoning powder]
Villager 10 packs
No. [of victims] Oil
Villager 3 litre
No. [of victims] Onions 
Villager 3 bags [unknown amount]
No. [of victims] Garlic 
Villager 1 bag
No. [of victims] Soy Milk
Villager 1 pack
No. [of victims] Cigarettes
Villager 25 packs
No. [of victims] Rice
Villager 1 sack
No. [of victims] Chicken
Villager 3 chickens
No. [of victims] 'Ruby' [brand] cigarettes
Villager 6 packs
No. [of victims] 3.
Villager Saw Cd--- (36 years old)
Property/Item Rice
Amount N/A
Remark [location] Shop
No. [of victims] Garlic
Villager N/A
No. [of victims] Onion
Villager N/A
No. [of victims] Small knives
Villager 2
No. [of victims] 4.
Villager Saw Ce--- (64 years old)
Property/Item Female clothes
Amount 22 pieces
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims] Male clothes
Villager 20 pieces
No. [of victims] Chicken
Villager 15 chickens
No. [of victims] Muscovy duck
Villager  1 duck
No. [of victims] Wedding gift pack [likely to be new clothes, household materials, kitchen materials etc.]
Villager [worth] 500,000 kyats [USD 238.05]
No. [of victims] All new clothes
Villager All from his house
No. [of victims] New blankets
Villager 9 pieces
No. [of victims] Broken glass or cabinet
Villager N/A
No. [of victims] Money
Villager 600,000 kyats [USD 285.67]
No. [of victims] Battery
Villager 5 unit
No. [of victims] 5.
Villager Saw Cf--- (N/A age)
Property/Item Battery
Amount 1 unit
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims] 6.
Villager Saw Cg--- (N/A age)
Property/Item Chicken
Amount 6 chickens
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims] 7.
Villager Nw Ch--- (65 years old)
Property/Item Rice
Amount N/A
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims] Chicken
Villager 6 chickens
No. [of victims] Clothes
Villager 12 pieces
No. [of victims] Blanket
Villager 5 pieces
No. [of victims] 8.
Villager Saw Ci--- (N/A age)
Property/Item Chicken 
Amount 5 chickens
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims] 9.
Villager Naw Cj--- (51 years old)
Property/Item Pig
Amount 1 pig
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims] Chicken
Villager 1 chicken
No. [of victims] Rice
Villager All rice she had
No. [of victims] Oil 
Villager All oil she had
No. [of victims] Clothes 
Villager 30 pieces 
No. [of victims] Tarpaulin
Villager 1 piece
No. [of victims] Lamp
Villager 1 (worth 90,000 kyats) [USD 42.85]
No. [of victims] Clothes
Villager All clothes her family had
No. [of victims] 10
Villager Saw Ck--- (35 years old)
Property/Item Chicken
Amount 10 chickens
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims] Pot
Villager 3 sets
No. [of victims] Clothes
Villager 10 pieces
No. [of victims] Tarpaulin
Villager 1 piece
No. [of victims] 11.
Villager Saw Cl--- (75 years old)
Property/Item Knife
Amount 2 pieces
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims] Clothes
Villager 4 pieces
No. [of victims] Pots and pans
Villager All
No. [of victims] 12.
Villager Naw Cm--- (34 years old)
Property/Item Knife
Amount 2 pieces
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims] Mobile phone
Villager 2 phones
No. [of victims] Rice
Villager 2 sacks
No. [of victims] Clothes
Villager 4 pieces
No. [of victims] 13.
Villager Naw Cn--- (52 years old)
Property/Item Money
Amount 300,000 kyats [USD 142.86]
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims] Oil
Villager 8 litres
No. [of victims] MSG
Villager 18 packs
No. [of victims] Chili
Villager N/A
No. [of victims] Rice
Villager 2 bags
No. [of victims] Male clothes
Villager 37 pieces
No. [of victims] Female clothes
Villager 29 pieces
No. [of victims] Clock
Villager 2 pieces
No. [of victims] Onions
Villager N/A
No. [of victims] Female shoes
Villager 4 pairs
No. [of victims] Male shoes
Villager 2 pairs
No. [of victims] Chicken
Villager 17 chickens
No. [of victims] Phone
Villager 2 phones
No. [of victims] Knife
Villager 3 knives
No. [of victims] Battery 
Villager N/A
No. [of victims] 14.
Villager Saw Co--- (44 years old)
Property/Item Male clothes
Amount 6 pieces
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims] Machine [engine]
Villager 1
No. [of victims] Knife
Villager 2 knives
No. [of victims] Battery [household use]
Villager 2 Unit
No. [of victims] 15.
Villager Saw Cp--- (50 years old)
Property/Item New clothes
Amount All he had
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims] 16.
Villager Saw Cq--- (45 years old)
Property/Item Clothes
Amount 10 pieces
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims] New Blanket
Villager 2 pieces
No. [of victims] Water Pot
Villager 1 (worth 17,000 kyat) [USD 8.09]
No. [of victims] Taruaulin
Villager 1 piece
No. [of victims] 17.
Villager Naw Cr--- (33 years old)
Property/Item Medicine box
Amount 1 box
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims] Phone (Samsung Tab)
Villager 1 phone
No. [of victims] 18.
Villager Naw Cs--- (54 years old)
Property/Item Money
Amount 30,000 kyats [USD 14.28]
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims] Chicken and duck
Villager All (about 14)
No. [of victims] Goat
Villager 4 goats
No. [of victims] Salt, oil, chili, MSG and some spices 
Villager All
No. [of victims] 19.
Villager Saw Ct--- (43 years old)
Property/Item Rice
Amount 2 sacks
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims] Box
Villager 1
No. [of victims] Chicken
Villager 12 chickens
No. [of victims] 20.
Villager Naw Cu--- (60 years old)
Property/Item Rice
Amount N/A
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims] Battery [household]
Villager 1
No. [of victims] MSG
Villager 1 pack
No. [of victims] 21
Villager Saw Cv--- (50 years 
Property/Item Oil
Amount 2 litres
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims] 22.
Villager Saw Cw--- (58 yers old)
Property/Item Male clothes
Amount 18 pieces
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims] Blanket
Villager 8 pieces
No. [of victims] Oil
Villager 2 litres
No. [of victims] MSG
Villager 2 packs
No. [of victims] Chicken
Villager 20 chickens
No. [of victims] 23.
Villager Naw Cx--- (30 years old)
Property/Item Clothes and unidentified properties
Amount 2,000,000 kyats [USD 952.51]
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims] 24.
Villager Naw Cy--- (73 years old)
Property/Item Rice
Amount N/A
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims] Pot and pan
Villager 11 pieces
No. [of victims] Blanket
Villager 20 pieces
No. [of victims] Clothes
Villager 30 pieces
No. [of victims] Knife
Villager 2 knives
No. [of victims] 25.
Villager Saw Cz--- (35 years old)
Property/Item Money
Amount 410,000 kyats [USD 195.32]
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims] Oil
Villager 3 litres
No. [of victims] Clothes
Villager 12 pieces
No. [of victims] 26.
Villager Saw Da--- (53 years old)
Property/Item Oil
Amount 5 litres
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims] MSG
Villager 1 sack (15 kg)
No. [of victims] Clothes
Villager 15 pieces
No. [of victims] Phone
Villager 2 phones
No. [of victims] Power bank
Villager 1 unit
No. [of victims] 27.
Villager Saw Db--- (60 years old)
Property/Item Chicken
Amount 1 chicken
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims] 28.
Villager Saw Dc--- (39 years old)
Property/Item Chicken
Amount 8 chickens
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims]  
Villager New clothes
Property/Item 2 pieces
No. [of victims]  
Villager MSG
Property/Item N/A
No. [of victims]  
Villager Jaggery [cane sugar]
Property/Item 2 bags (Cost 100,000 kyats) [USD 47.64]
No. [of victims] 29.
Villager Saw De--- (72 years old)
Property/Item Longyi [male clothes]
Amount 5 pieces (worth 130,000 kyats) [USD 61.95]
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims] Clothes 
Villager 2 sets
No. [of victims] 30.
Villager Naw Df--- (45 years old)
Property/Item New clothes
Amount 7 pieces
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims] Blanket 
Villager 3 pieces
No. [of victims] Chicken
Villager 3 chickens
No. [of victims] 31.
Villager Naw Dg--- (32 years old)
Property/Item MSG
Amount 2 packs
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims] Blanket
Villager 4 pieces
No. [of victims] Chargers
Villager 2 pieces
No. [of victims] Fish paste
Villager N/A
No. [of victims] 32.
Villager Naw Dh--- (57 years old)
Property/Item New clothes
Amount 3 pieces
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims] Rice
Villager N/A
No. [of victims] Blanket
Villager 3 pieces
No. [of victims] Tarpaulin
Villager 1 piece
No. [of victims] 33.
Villager Naw Di--- (38 years old)
Property/Item Pots and pans
Amount 5 pieces
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims] 34.
Villager Naw Dj--- (N/A age)
Property/Item Rice
Amount N/A
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims] Mat 
Villager 1 piece
No. [of victims] Small battery
Villager 1 piece
No. [of victims] 35.
Villager Naw Dk--- (56 years old)
Property/Item Golden ring
Amount 650,000 kyats [USD 309.75]
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims] Money
Villager 100,000 kyats [USD 47.64]
No. [of victims] Goat
Villager 1 goat
No. [of victims] 36.
Villager Naw Dl--- (50 years old)
Property/Item A-150 battery
Amount N/A
Remark [location] House
No. [of victims] Knife
Villager N/A
No. [of victims] Chicken
Villager 3 chickens
No. [of victims] Villager Property/Item Amount Remark [location]
1. Naw Bw--- (40 years old) Beer 4 packs Shop
Eggs  10 packs [30 eggs/pack]
'Super' [brand] coffee N/A
'Birdy' [brand] coffee N/A
Soy milk N/A
Lychee drink N/A
'Mi Na Ga' [brand] energy drink N/A
'Kaung Yee' [a type of Myanmar traditional wine] N/A
Sprite brand [Soda] N/A
Battery (Energy Storage) [for the house electricity] N/A
Lighter N/A
Chili N/A
'Sa Po' [brand] Rice N/A
Karen [Traditional] bags N/A
Oil N/A
Rice 3 bags
Chickens 4 chickens
Coca-Cola drink N/A
Snacks N/A
Dee Do drink (Juice) N/A
Phone top-up cards 100,000 kyats[16] [USD 47.61]
Cigarettes N/A
Shoes N/A
Dry fish N/A
2. Saw Cc--- (34 years old) Beer 2 packs [32 bottle per pack] Shop
Phone top-up cards 250,000 kyats [USD 119.03]

'Kaung Yee' [local wine]

1 bag (20,000 kyats) [USD 9.52]
'Super' coffee 12 packs
Candles 70 packs [around 25 candles per pack]
'Birdy' [brand] Coffee 5 packs
Umbrella [worth] 10,000 kyats [USD 4.76]
MSG [monosodium glutamate; seasoning powder] 10 packs
Oil 3 litre
Onions  3 bags [unknown amount]
Garlic  1 bag
Soy Milk 1 pack
Cigarettes 25 packs
Rice 1 sack
Chicken 3 chickens
'Ruby' [brand] cigarettes 6 packs
3. Saw Cd--- (36 years old) Rice N/A Shop
Garlic N/A
Onion N/A
Small knives 2
4. Saw Ce--- (64 years old) Female clothes 22 pieces House
Male clothes 20 pieces
Chicken 15 chickens
Muscovy duck  1 duck
Wedding gift pack [likely to be new clothes, household materials, kitchen materials etc.] [worth] 500,000 kyats [USD 238.05]
All new clothes All from his house
New blankets 9 pieces
Broken glass or cabinet N/A
Money 600,000 kyats [USD 285.67]
Battery 5 unit
5. Saw Cf--- (N/A age) Battery 1 unit House
6. Saw Cg--- (N/A age) Chicken 6 chickens House
7. Nw Ch--- (65 years old) Rice N/A House
Chicken 6 chickens
Clothes 12 pieces
Blanket 5 pieces
8. Saw Ci--- (N/A age) Chicken  5 chickens House
9. Naw Cj--- (51 years old) Pig 1 pig House
Chicken 1 chicken
Rice All rice she had
Oil  All oil she had
Clothes  30 pieces 
Tarpaulin 1 piece
Lamp 1 (worth 90,000 kyats) [USD 42.85]
Clothes All clothes her family had
10 Saw Ck--- (35 years old) Chicken 10 chickens House
Pot 3 sets
Clothes 10 pieces
Tarpaulin 1 piece
11. Saw Cl--- (75 years old) Knife 2 pieces House
Clothes 4 pieces
Pots and pans All
12. Naw Cm--- (34 years old) Knife 2 pieces House
Mobile phone 2 phones
Rice 2 sacks
Clothes 4 pieces
13. Naw Cn--- (52 years old) Money 300,000 kyats [USD 142.86] House
Oil 8 litres
MSG 18 packs
Chili N/A
Rice 2 bags
Male clothes 37 pieces
Female clothes 29 pieces
Clock 2 pieces
Onions N/A
Female shoes 4 pairs
Male shoes 2 pairs
Chicken 17 chickens
Phone 2 phones
Knife 3 knives
Battery  N/A
14. Saw Co--- (44 years old) Male clothes 6 pieces House
Machine [engine] 1
Knife 2 knives
Battery [household use] 2 Unit
15. Saw Cp--- (50 years old) New clothes All he had House
16. Saw Cq--- (45 years old) Clothes 10 pieces House
New Blanket 2 pieces
Water Pot 1 (worth 17,000 kyat) [USD 8.09]
Taruaulin 1 piece
17. Naw Cr--- (33 years old) Medicine box 1 box House
Phone (Samsung Tab) 1 phone
18. Naw Cs--- (54 years old) Money 30,000 kyats [USD 14.28] House
Chicken and duck All (about 14)
Goat 4 goats
Salt, oil, chili, MSG and some spices  All
19. Saw Ct--- (43 years old) Rice 2 sacks House
Box 1
Chicken 12 chickens
20. Naw Cu--- (60 years old) Rice N/A House
Battery [household] 1
MSG 1 pack
21 Saw Cv--- (50 years  Oil 2 litres House
22. Saw Cw--- (58 yers old) Male clothes 18 pieces House
Blanket 8 pieces
Oil 2 litres
MSG 2 packs
Chicken 20 chickens
23. Naw Cx--- (30 years old) Clothes and unidentified properties 2,000,000 kyats [USD 952.51] House
24. Naw Cy--- (73 years old) Rice N/A House
Pot and pan 11 pieces
Blanket 20 pieces
Clothes 30 pieces
Knife 2 knives
25. Saw Cz--- (35 years old) Money 410,000 kyats [USD 195.32] House
Oil 3 litres
Clothes 12 pieces
26. Saw Da--- (53 years old) Oil 5 litres House
MSG 1 sack (15 kg)
Clothes 15 pieces
Phone 2 phones
Power bank 1 unit
27. Saw Db--- (60 years old) Chicken 1 chicken House
28. Saw Dc--- (39 years old) Chicken 8 chickens House
  New clothes 2 pieces
  Jaggery [cane sugar] 2 bags (Cost 100,000 kyats) [USD 47.64]
29. Saw De--- (72 years old) Longyi [male clothes] 5 pieces (worth 130,000 kyats) [USD 61.95] House
Clothes  2 sets
30. Naw Df--- (45 years old) New clothes 7 pieces House
Blanket  3 pieces
Chicken 3 chickens
31. Naw Dg--- (32 years old) MSG 2 packs House
Blanket 4 pieces
Chargers 2 pieces
Fish paste N/A
32. Naw Dh--- (57 years old) New clothes 3 pieces House
Rice N/A
Blanket 3 pieces
Tarpaulin 1 piece
33. Naw Di--- (38 years old) Pots and pans 5 pieces House
34. Naw Dj--- (N/A age) Rice N/A House
Mat  1 piece
Small battery 1 piece
35. Naw Dk--- (56 years old) Golden ring 650,000 kyats [USD 309.75] House
Money 100,000 kyats [USD 47.64]
Goat 1 goat
36. Naw Dl--- (50 years old) A-150 battery N/A House
Knife N/A
Chicken 3 chickens

September 2023: Shelling caused casualties, property destruction, and displacement

On September 9th 2023, from 9:20 am to 4:10 pm, SAC soldiers under LID #44, based in P’Nweh Klah camp, Maw Lay village tract, shelled six mortar rounds around their army camp in Tha Htoo Township. Three of the mortar rounds landed on O--- village, Maw Lay village tract, and injured a child [unknown age], Saw Dm---, on his left leg. One of the mortar rounds also landed in Dn--- village, Maw Lay village tract, and shrapnel damaged four villagers’ houses and injured a 38-year-old villager, Naw Do---, on her left leg. The two injured villagers were sent to a local clinic for medical treatment. The four damaged houses are owned by villagers named Tee Dp---, Naw Dq---, Tee Dr--- and Tee Ds---. Another two mortar rounds landed in [other locations at] Maw Lay village tract, so villagers in Maw Lay village tract were afraid and had to be displaced.

On September 9th 2023, at 7:30 pm, SAC Infantry Battalion (IB)[17] #24 shelled five mortar rounds in Ak--- village, Kaw Ler village tract; two of them landed in Ak--- village and damaged Tee Dt---’s house, and another three mortars landed beside Ak--- village without causing any damage.

November 2023: shelling caused casualties and properties destruction

On November 10th 2023, at about 3:10 pm, SAC soldiers under LID #44, based in in P’Nweh Klah army camp, Maw Lay village tract, shelled six 60mm mortar rounds [around their army camp]. Two of the mortar rounds landed on Htee Nya Loo farm, one mortar landed beside Du--- village, one mortar landed on Lah Ko forest and one mortar landed in eastern Dv--- village, Maw Lay village tract. One of the six mortar rounds [landed at an unidentified place and] did not explode. The mortar explosion in eastern Dv--- village injured four villagers, and two of the villagers died from their injuries. Saw Dw--- (73 years old) died immediately after his whole body was injured by shrapnel, and Saw Dx--- (46 years old) died in a hospital in Thaton Town. The two [surviving] injured villagers are Naw Dy--- (72 years old), injured on the left leg, and Saw Dz--- (32 years old), injured on his back. The mortar explosion in the eastern area of Dv--- village also damaged two villager’s houses, owned by Saw Ea--- (52 years old) and Saw Eb--- (26 years old).

On November 13th 2023, between 7:40 and 8:30 pm, [SAC] LIB #9 in Way Pa army camp shelled eight mortar rounds in Way Raw and Shwe Yaw Pya village tracts, Tha Htoo Township. Two mortar rounds landed beside Ec--- village, two mortar rounds landed in Ed--- village, and two mortar rounds landed beside Ee--- village, Way Raw village tract. Two mortar rounds exploded in Ef--- village, Shwe Yaung Pya village tract.  A mortar explosion beside Ec--- village damaged four villagers’ houses, owned by Naw Eg--- (78 years old), Naw Eh--- (48 years old), Saw Ei--- (72 years old) and Naw Ej--- (50 years old).  

On November 18th 2023, between 6 pm and 8:30 pm, SAC Artillery Unit #314, based in Kya T’Raw (Zi Won) army camp, Shwe Yaung Pya village tract, shelled 16 mortars in Shwe Yaung Pya, K’Dee Poo and Daw Ya village tracts, Tha Htoo Township. Two mortar rounds landed in Ek--- village, and two landed in an area between Al--- and Z--- villages, Shwe Yaung Pya village tract. Two mortar rounds landed in Af--- village, Daw Ya village tract, and one mortar round landed in El--- village, K’Dee Poo village tract. Two mortar rounds landed in an area between Em--- and En--- villages, four mortar rounds landed beside Eo--- village, and two mortar rounds landed in an area between Ep--- and Eo--- villages, K’Dee Poo village tract. There were no major damages or casualties.

On November 28th 2023, at 9:50 am, SAC Artillery Unit #402, based in Noh Ta Shuh village tract, shelled eight mortar rounds in Kaw Ler village tract. Six of the mortars landed in an area between Eq--- and Ak--- villages, and two mortars landed on Er--- villagers’ farms, without causing any damage or injury. On the evening of the same day, from 6 pm to 11 pm, SAC Artillery Unit #402 shelled six more mortar rounds [in Kaw Ler village tract]. Two mortars landed in Ak--- village, two mortars landed beside Er--- village and the other two mortars landed beside Es--- village, without any [major] damages or casualties.

On November 30th 2023, at 4:10 pm, SAC Artillery Unit #314, based in Kya T’Raw (Zi Won) army camp, Shwe Yaung Pya village tract, shelled two mortar rounds beside Ep--- village, K’Dee Poo village tract, without causing any [major] damages or casualties. On the same day, at 7:45 pm, SAC IB #8, based in Myay Taung [army camp] in Bilin Town area [Tha Htoo Township], shelled four mortar rounds. Three of the mortar rounds landed in an area between Eo--- and Et--- villages, K’Dee Poo village tract [Tha Htoo Township]. One mortar round landed in Et--- school compound, damaging three school buildings and two villagers’ houses situated close to the school. The houses are owned by Saw Eu--- (47 years old) and Saw Ev--- (47 years old).

On the same day at 7:30 pm, SAC LIB #118, based in Thaton Town, shelled two mortar rounds in an area between Ak--- and Ew--- villages, Kaw Ler village tract, Tha Htoo Township, without causing any [major] damage or casualties.

On November 30th 2023, at 3 pm, SAC Artillery Unit #402, based in Noh Ta Shuh village tract, shelled three mortar rounds on villagers’ farms near Ex--- village, Noh Ta Shuh village tract, Tha Htoo Township. The explosions killed 15 cows and bulls owned by a villager named Saw Ey---  (58 years old).





Further background reading on shelling in Southeast Burma/Myanmar can be found in the following KHRG reports:

Wed, 31 Jul 2024


[1] The present document is based on information received in February, May, July, September and November 2023. It was provided by a community member in Doo Tha Htoo District who has been trained by KHRG to monitor human rights conditions on the ground. The names of the victims, their photos and the exact locations are censored for security reasons. The parts in square brackets are explanations added by KHRG.

[2] The State Administration Council (SAC) is the executive governing body created in the aftermath of the February 1st 2021 military coup. It was established by Senior General Min Aung Hlaing on February 2nd 2021, and is composed of eight military officers and eight civilians. The chairperson serves as the de facto head of government of Myanmar and leads the Military Cabinet of Myanmar, the executive branch of the government. Min Aung Hlaing assumed the role of SAC chairperson following the coup.

[3] Saw is a S’gaw Karen male honorific title used before a person’s name.

[4] A village tract is an administrative unit of between five and 20 villages in a local area, often centred on a large village.

[5] In Burmese, ‘betel nut’ and ‘betel leaf’ are referred to as konywet and konthih, respectively, as if they are from the same plant. The Burmese names are also commonly used by Karen language speakers. Betel nut is the seed from an areca palm tree, Areca catechu; "betel leaf" is the leaf of the piper betel vine, belonging to the Piperaceae family.

[6] The Karen National Union (KNU) is the main Karen political organisation. It was established in 1947 and has been in conflict with the government since 1949. The KNU wields power across large areas of Southeast Myanmar and has been calling for the creation of a democratic federal system since 1976. Although it signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement in 2015, relations with the government remain tense.

[7] Naw is a S’gaw Karen female honorific title used before a person’s name.

[8] The Karen National Liberation Army is the armed wing of the Karen National Union.

[9] The People’s Defence Force (PDF) is an armed resistance established independently as local civilian militias operating across the country. Following the February 1st 2021 military coup and the ongoing brutal violence enacted by the junta, the majority of these groups began working with the National Unity Government (NUG), a body claiming to be the legitimate government of Burma/Myanmar, which then formalized the PDF on May 5th 2021 as a precursor to a federal army.

[10] Border Guard Force (BGF) battalions of the Tatmadaw were established in 2010, and they are composed mostly of soldiers from former non-state armed groups, such as older constellations of the DKBA, which have formalised ceasefire agreements with the Burma/Myanmar government and agreed to transform into battalions within the Tatmadaw.

[11] Military Operations Command (MOC) is comprised of ten battalions for offensive operations. Most MOCs have three Tactical Operations Commands (TOCs) made up of three battalions each.

[12] ‘U’ is a Burmese title used for elder men, used before their name.

[13] ‘Ashin’ is a Burmese title used for monks.

[14] A Light Infantry Division (LID) of the Tatmadaw is commanded by a brigadier general, and consists of ten light infantry battalions specially trained in counter-insurgency, jungle warfare, search and destroy operations against ethnic insurgents . They were first incorporated into the Tatmadaw in 1966. LIDs are organised under three Tactical Operations Commands, commanded by a colonel, three battalions each and one reserve, one field artillery battalion, one armoured squadron and other support units. Each division is directly under the command of the Chief of Staff (Army).

[15] Pa Dtee or Dtee is a familiar term of respect in S’gaw Karen attributed to an older man that translates to “uncle,” but it does not necessarily signify any actual familial relationship.

[16] All conversion estimates for the kyat in this report are based on official market rate of 2,099.90 kyats to US $1 on 16th May 2024.

[17] An Infantry Battalion (IB) comprises 500 soldiers. However, most Infantry Battalions in the Tatmadaw are under-strength with less than 200 soldiers. Yet up to date information regarding the size of battalions is hard to come by, particularly following the signing of the NCA. They are primarily used for garrison duty but are sometimes used in offensive operations.

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