The SPDC Army is very much considered an army of occupation by Karen in Karen areas and as such it is almost universally feared and despised. This, however, does not deter the Army from trying to force the civilians in Karen areas to provide direct help to military operations. The help can take many forms from forced labour at Army camps as sentries and messengers (see above under ‘General Forced Labour’), to orders to village elders to report information on the activities of everyone in their villages and on any movements of the opposition forces. Orders demanding village elders to ‘report information’, or to attend meetings to discuss ‘security matters’ or ‘control matters’ are for this purpose. The elders are thus put in a very difficult situation: if they report nothing they are accused of withholding information and will be severely punished if the opposition later attacks the SPDC forces in the area, but if they report anything the Army often accuses them of having contact with the rebels. In many Karen areas the elders are told by SPDC officers that they are responsible for keeping the Army fully informed of all opposition activities, and they are seriously punished if Army units are then subsequently attacked or hear of opposition forces moving through the area. The punishment often includes the arrest and torture of the village elders, burning of houses and sometimes the relocation of the entire village.
The SPDC Army is very much considered an army of occupation by Karen in Karen areas and as such it is almost universally feared and despised. This, however, does not deter the Army from trying to force the civilians in Karen areas to provide direct help to military operations. The help can take many forms from forced labour at Army camps as sentries and messengers (see above under ‘General Forced Labour’), to orders to village elders to report information on the activities of everyone in their villages and on any movements of the opposition forces. Orders demanding village elders to ‘report information’, or to attend meetings to discuss ‘security matters’ or ‘control matters’ are for this purpose. The elders are thus put in a very difficult situation: if they report nothing they are accused of withholding information and will be severely punished if the opposition later attacks the SPDC forces in the area, but if they report anything the Army often accuses them of having contact with the rebels. In many Karen areas the elders are told by SPDC officers that they are responsible for keeping the Army fully informed of all opposition activities, and they are seriously punished if Army units are then subsequently attacked or hear of opposition forces moving through the area. The punishment often includes the arrest and torture of the village elders, burning of houses and sometimes the relocation of the entire village. For example, in Order #355 an intelligence officer writes, “if the rebels plant landmines, lurk for fighting or landmines explode on the roads, hills, ridges, at the entrance or exit gate of the village, or 3 miles around your village, it is the responsibility of the village concerned, so you will have to give fine money of 50,000 Kyat.” The officer than goes on to say in the same order, “If you know information about the rebels, the place where the rebels plant landmines, you must come quickly to report information to the column. If you fail, harsh action will be taken for the withholding of information, we are notifying the village females/village males of this.” In Order #366 an SPDC Captain states, “We know that U aaaa didn’t come to report information to the previous unit. But you must come when I call now. Hope that you will come. There is nothing to worry or be afraid. Guaranteed. If you don’t come, you must worry and be afraid.” The camp commander in Order #396 tells the village head that he knows which KNLA unit passed through the village, how many and what weapons they were carrying, but still tells the chairperson that he, “must tell if this news is right / not right and if a lie is told, it is the responsibility of the chairperson.”
Various kinds of ‘registers’ are also regularly demanded by the Army from the village heads. These registers show various kinds of information about the village. For example, Orders #358 and 398 show various formats for ‘registers’ and what information the Army wants collected from the village. Some orders such as Order #356 and 380 demand such things as the number of males and females over 12 years old, number of houses, number of monasteries, churches and mosques, the number of students and teachers, the number of clinics and medics, the number of bullock carts, buffaloes and cows, the different ethnicities of the villagers, register of political parties, people who used to be members of resistance groups, register of people who have returned from being refugees, and the names of people who are currently refugees. The SPDC is able to use this information in various ways. The information on the village population is useful in allocating forced labour and demands for ‘fees’; the crop acreage is used in allocating crop quotas and Army ‘taxes’ based on field acreage, and also to decide on extortion amounts. The demands for every detail of schools, churches and monasteries are partly so the Army can monitor their activities, but the demands themselves are probably intended as a form of intimidation; villagers and townspeople throughout Burma are often terrified to do anything simply because they believe they think the Army already knows everything about them. Other such orders (including Orders #356) often demand information such as the number of rice mills, sawmills, bullock carts, elephants and boats in the village, both to allocate ‘fees’ on these things and to demand their use by the Army.
Order #378 is labelled ‘Secret’ and demands the names of any villagers who have gone abroad to work. The SPDC insists on checking everyone deported back to Burma from Thailand who were arrested as illegal immigrants to determine if they are really Burmese or not or if they have links to opposition groups. These registers may be used for that purpose. The order says, “collect the register of people who crossed the border illegally …” indicating that the register may be used to punish those people upon their return.
The orders in this section specifically call on village heads to provide intelligence to the local military, though demands for intelligence are also included in the orders of several other sections in the report.
Order #355 (Thaton)
To: Stamp: Date: 17-1-2002
Chairperson #3 Light Infantry Battalion
xxxx village Military Staff Department
Subject: Giving warning to the village females / village males
(1) Regarding the above subject, if the rebels plant landmines, lurk for fighting or landmines explode on the roads, hills, ridges, at the entrance or exit gate of the village, or 3 miles around your village, it is the responsibility of the village which is concerned, so you will have to give fine money of 50,000 Kyat.
(2) If you know information about the rebels, or the place where the rebels plant landmines, you must come quickly to send the information to the column. If you fail, harsh action will be taken for the withholding of information, we are notifying the village females/village males of this.
Intelligence Officer
#3 Light Infantry Battalion
[On the back this order is addressed “To: Chairperson, xxxx village.” This order clearly lays any responsibility for resistance activity in the area on the villagers. It also lays out the amount of moneythat must be paid as a fine if any activity occurs. The ‘harsh action’ referred to in the second paragraph can include arrest and detention by the Army and possibly torture. Village heads have told KHRG of being held and tortured by SPDC Army units for reporting information, but not quickly enough.]
Order #356 (Thaton)
Date: 19-1-2002
Subject: Informing you to coming to meet and discuss at xxxx Camp
1. Regarding the above subject, gather the subjects that are shown below in your village.
(a) Number of males/females under 12 years old
(b) Number of males/females over 12 years old
(c) Total number of people male/female
(d) Total number of houses
(e) Number of monasteries, churches
(f) Number of schools and students and the teachers.
(g) Number of health departments and medics.
(h) Number of bullock carts, buffaloes, and cows.
(i) Number of people who hold percussion lock firearms
(j) Family charts
2. Gather completely the subjects above concerning your village and the other subjects that we should know. Village Chairperson and the responsible people come without fail to send the information on 22-1-2002 at 9 o’clock and if [you] fail, necessary action will be taken, letting [you]know and you are informed.
Camp Commander
xxxx Camp
[On the back this order is addressed “To: xxxx [village], Chairperson.” When the village head went to the meeting he was also ordered to provide a register of guests who stayed overnight in houses in the village. These types of registers are used all over Burma to monitor people’s movements. People can be detained by the military for failure to report overnight guests.]
Order #357 (Thaton)
xxxx [village]
Date: 23-1-2002
Subject: Gather and carry out the year 2002 family register
1. [Regarding] the above subject, in accordance with the directive of Frontline LIB #2 Battalion, every house must post the year 2002 family register.
2. Have to carry this out completely within 7 days starting today. To carry it out, come to stamp the needed stamp, with respect and you are informed.
Stamp: Chairperson
Peace and Development Council
xxxx Village Tract, Pa’an Township
[This family registers are lists of all family members staying in a house and they must be posted somewhere on the front of the house. This is so the SPDC can quickly check who is in the house and see if there is anyone there who should not be.]
Order #358 (Thaton)
Stamp: To: 24-1-2002
Frontline #102 Light Infantry Battalion Village Head
Column #x Headquarters xxxx village
Send the list of the family numbers who are living in xxxx village to yyyy village to arrive on 24-1-2002 according to the table shown below. If you fail to send, it is the responsibility of the Village Head, you are informed.
(for) Column Commander
No |
No |
Name |
Name |
Age |
Age |
Father’s name |
Father’s name |
Address |
Address |
Occupation |
Occupation |
Religion |
Religion |
Related |
Related |
Male |
Male |
Female |
Female |
Note |
Note |
No |
Name |
Age |
Father’s name |
Address |
Occupation |
Religion |
Related |
Male |
Female |
Note |
No |
Name |
Age |
Father’s name |
Address |
Occupation |
Religion |
Related |
Male |
Female |
Note |
Order #359 (Thaton)
Frontline #102 Light Infantry Battalion
Column #x Headquarters
Village Head
xxxx village
Send the register of family numbers living in xxxx village to yyyy [village] on 24-1-2002 like the table show below and if you fail to send it, it is the responsibility of the Village Head, you are informed.
(for) Column Commander
No |
No |
Name |
Name |
Age |
Age |
Father’s name |
Father’s name |
Address |
Address |
Occupation |
Occupation |
Religion |
Religion |
Related |
Related |
Male |
Male |
Female |
Female |
Note |
Note |
No |
Name |
Age |
Father’s name |
Address |
Occupation |
Religion |
Related |
Male |
Female |
Note |
No |
Name |
Age |
Father’s name |
Address |
Occupation |
Religion |
Related |
Male |
Female |
Note |
Order #360 (Thaton)
Stamp: 28-1-2002
Frontline # 102 Light Infantry Battalion
Column #x Headquarters
Village Head (xxxx) [village]
Send the register of family numbers living in xxxx village to yyyy [village] to arrive on 29-1-2002 according to the table show below. If you fail to send it, it is the responsibility of the Village Head, you are informed.
(for) Column Commander
No |
No |
Name |
Name |
Age |
Age |
Father’s name |
Father’s name |
Address |
Address |
Occupation |
Occupation |
Religion |
Religion |
Related |
Related |
Male |
Male |
Female |
Female |
Note |
Note |
No |
Name |
Age |
Father’s name |
Address |
Occupation |
Religion |
Related |
Male |
Female |
Note |
No |
Name |
Age |
Father’s name |
Address |
Occupation |
Religion |
Related |
Male |
Female |
Note |
Order #361 (Papun)
To: 3-2-2002
xxxx village
1. Send the family register that you were asked to collect on 27-1-2002 with the messenger from yyyyvillage who comes now. The family register must be given so it arrives today, you are informed.
2. We informed you to send the family register at the latest on 29-1-2002 to yyyy village but we know that you haven’t sent it yet until today.
3. Send it along with the messenger who came now and if [you] fail, it is the responsibility of the responsible Head, you are informed.
(for) Column Commander
Order #362 (Thaton)
To: 17-2-2002
A'Moe (or) Moe Moe [Mother]
xxxx [village] (Chairperson)
We know that there was an unusual situation near the Mother’s village. Mother, tell about the situation to the messenger who has come.
With thanks,
Camp Commander
xxxx Camp
[By ‘unusual situation’ he means resistance activity. The Camp Commander is telling her that he already knows that resistance forces came to the village and wants to know what happened and who they were.]
Order #363 (Papun)
Stamp: Date: 18/2/2002
#3 Light Infantry Battalion
Military Staff Department
xxxx village
Subject: Calling to meet and question
Regarding the above subject, I have to meet and question the Elder, so as soon as this letter is received now, come quickly without fail to report to yyyy village, you are informed again.
Intelligence Officer
Frontline #3 Light Infantry Battalion
[When the village elder went to the village the Intelligence Officer also demanded three porters and 2viss [3.2 kgs. / 7.2 lbs.] of chicken.]
Order #364 (Papun)
#3 Light Infantry Battalion
Military Staff Department To:
xxxx village Date: 18/2/2002
Subject: Calling the Elder
Regarding the above subject, as soon as this letter is received, come quickly to report information to the column at yyyy village, you are informed. If you fail, it is the responsibility of the Elder, you are informed again.
Intelligence Officer
Frontline #3 Light Infantry Battalion
Order #365 (Papun)
Stamp: Date: 18-2-2002
#3 Light Infantry Battalion To:
Military Staff Department Chairperson
xxxx village
Subject: Calling the Elder
Regarding the above subject, as soon as this letter is received, come quickly to report information to the column at yyyy village, you are informed. If you fail, it is the responsibility of the Elder, you are informed again.
Intelligence Officer
Frontline #3 Light Infantry Battalion
Order #366 (Papun)
To: 21/2/2002
Ko aaaa
xxxx village Chairperson
I am writing a letter. I pray for Ko aaaa and the whole village to be healthy and rich.
The matter is tomorrow on 22-2-02, Ko aaaa come to report information to yyyy village Army Camp, you are informed. The matter is nothing unusual. We want to make a relationship with the village heads from the region and to discuss the situation of the other regions and security matters. We know that U aaaa didn’t come to report information to the previous unit. But, you must come when I call now. I hope that you will come. There is nothing to worry and be afraid. Guaranteed. If you don’t come, you must worry and be afraid. There is nothing else.
With respect,
[Sd.] Captain
Company Commander
yyyy village
[The ‘relationship’ that the Army wants to establish is one wherein the villagers must supply them with information on the movements of resistance forces in the area and guarantee that no landmines or ambushes will occur in their area, or face punishment and fines from the Army. Note that although he tries to reassure the village head that nothing will happen, he attaches a threat at the end of the order.
Order #367 (Papun)
#3 Light Infantry Battalion
Military Staff Department Date: 22/2/2002
xxxx village
Subject: Calling Chairperson to meet
Regarding the above subject, Chairperson yourself come quickly to report information and bring along 4 bowls [6 kgs. / 13.6 lbs.] of rice to arrive today to the Frontline LIB#3 Battalion Commander and do not fail. If you fail, it is the responsibility of the Chairperson, you are informed.
Intelligence Officer
Order #368 (Papun)
To: 25-2-02
Chairperson xxxx village
Chairperson yyyy village
Chairperson zzzz village
I am writing a letter to tell the village Chairperson. When you come to the meeting tomorrow,[bring] the personal history of school male teachers/female teachers at the villages and [their] addresses and family registers (it is for the villagers). Also look at how much of the village fence is finished. You have to report when you come to the meeting. That is all.
Camp Commander
xxxx Camp
Order #369 (Papun)
[To:] 2-3-02
xxxx [village]
Writing to inform you like this.
Your letter that you are writing [about] the family register, is it finished? Commander orders you to come and send it quickly.
xxxx [village]
[This letter was written in Karen from one village head to another on behalf of an SPDC officer.]
Order #370 (Papun)
Stamp: To: 4-3-2002
Frontline #18 Infantry Battalion Chairperson (xxxx village)
Column #x Headquarters
Subject: Invitation to a meeting.
Regarding the above subject, gather the village heads, then a meeting will be held, so come without fail to report to xxxx [camp] on 8-3-2002 at 10 o’clock in the morning, you are informed.
Bring 2 bowls [3 kgs. / 7 lbs.] of rice and curry for the camp commander.
[Sd.] Stamp: Column Commander
Column #x
Frontline #18 Infantry Battalion
[The IB #18 Battalion Commander told the village heads that they must tell the Army if they see KNU soldiers travelling near the villages. If the villagers do not go and tell and the Army knows later, severe action will be taken against the villagers.]
Order #371 (Toungoo)
#48 Infantry Battalion
Date: x-3-02
#x Company-xxxx Camp
As soon as this letter is received now, bring the father’s name/his name/age concerning the son of U aaaa who was hurt by the landmine at yyyy and the summary of his personal history. Come quickly to send the information to xxxx Camp, you are informed.
Stamp: Camp Commander
xxxx Camp
[See Order #373 below.]
Order #372 (Thaton)
Stamp: To:
#118 Light Infantry Battalion Village Head
xxxx [camp] xxxx [village]
Subject: Sending the information to the Army Camp
Have to discuss the emergency at xxxx Camp, so come without fail tomorrow on 7-3-2002 at 8 o’clock in the morning, you are informed. The village head yourself must come.
Place: xxxx [Sd.]
Date: 6-3-2002 Camp Commander
xxxx Camp
[The ‘emergency’ was that the Army had received information that KNLA soldiers had passed close to the village, but rather than going to chase them, the Army ordered the village heads to get more information.]
Order #373 (Toungoo)
Village Peace and Development Council
Than Daung Township
Bawgali Gyi Tract To:
xxxx village
Subject: Bomb explosion (accident)
Regarding the matter of the case that was complained about in the meeting on March xth, come to the army camp with 3 eyewitnesses to xxxx Army Camp, you are informed.
[Sd.] x-3-2002
Stamp: Chairperson
Village Peace and Development Council
Bawgali Gyi Tract-Than Daung Township
[The SPDC Army is asking through a village tract chairperson for a village head to send three eyewitnesses to the landmine explosion referred to in Order #371. The villagers apparently complained about the incident. The request for eyewitnesses is likely an intimidation tactic as villagers are usually too afraid of what may happen to them later to go to an Army camp to be witnesses. The result is that nobody goes and the complaint is dropped.]
Order #374 (Thaton)
To: Date: 9-3-2002
xxxx village (xxxx on the side of the village)
Letting you know. Send surely without fail the register of the exact family numbers from the Elder’s village to xxxx Camp on 13-3-2002, you are informed.
[Sd.] U aaaa, 9/3/2002
Stamp: Chairperson
Village Peace and Development Council
yyyy village, Bilin Township
Order #375 (Thaton)
Date: 9/3/2002
Letting you know, you are informed. The matter is to come to send the register of the families, you are informed.
Send and arrive on 12-3-2002.
[Sd.] U aaaa, 9-3-2002
Village Peace and Development Council
yyyy village, Bilin Township
[On the back this order is addressed “Give to: xxxx Village Head.”]
Order #376 (Papun)
To: 11-3-02
xxxx village
Head, send the information to xxxx Army Camp tomorrow to arrive on 11-3-02 at 07:00 time in the morning, you are informed.
Company Commander
#x Company
Order #377 (Toungoo)
Stamp: Date: 11-3-2002
#x Strategic Operations Command Group
Ta Pa Ka [Southern Command Headquarters]
xxxx village
Subject: Calling to attend a meeting
Regarding the above subject, a meeting will be held at yyyy village. As soon as this letter is received now, Village Chairperson and village mother village father, 2 people, come to report information to yyyy. If you fail, action will be taken, you are informed.
(for) Temporary Strategic Operations Commander
[On the back this order is addressed “To: Chairperson, xxxx village.”]
Order #378 (Dooplaya)
Stamp: Secret
Township Peace and Development Council
Kya In Seik Gyi Town
Township Peace and Development Council
Kya In Seik Gyi Township- Kya In Seik Gyi Town
Letter Number: x / x – xx / Oo x (xxx)
Date: Year 2002 March 14th
xxxx Section/Village Tract Peace and Development Council
Kya In Seik Gyi Township.
Subject: The matter of collecting the register of the people who go to work illegally in outside countries.
Reference: TPDC (Ka Ah Sa Ka) [Kya In Seik Gyi] 4-12-2002 date letter number; x/x-xx/Oo x
1. Regarding the above subject, your sections and village tracts were finished being informed to collect the register of the people who have crossed the border illegally and go to work outside the country (Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore) countries, and then to send it to this office, but we have seen that you have not sent them yet until today.
2. Therefore, send the register of the people from your section/village tract who have gone to work illegally outside of the country at the latest on 20-3-2002 and if you fail, it is your responsibility. The second time you are informed.
Thet Naing Oo, Pa/3642
Copy to-
Strategic Operations Group (Base) Kya In Seik Gyi Town
Township Police Army Commander Office, Kya In Seik Gyi Town
Office Receipt
[This typewritten letter was distributed to several villages. It is possible that this register will be used to punish people who have left their villages to work in Thailand or other countries.]
Order #379 (Papun)
Stamp: To:
Frontline #3 Light Infantry Battalion Chairperson
Column #x (xxxx) village Date: 20/3/2002
Subject: Calling to meet and ask
Regarding the above subject, as soon as this letter is received now, come to send the information to the column, you are informed.
Intelligence Officer
Order #380 (Dooplaya)
Township Peace and Development Council
Kya In Seik Gyi Town
Township Peace and Development Council
Kya In Seik Gyi Township-Kya In Seik Gyi Town
Letter No: x/x-x Dee (xxxxx)
Date: Year 2002, March 20th
Chairperson/Village Head
xxxx Section /Village
Kya Inn Seik Gyi Town
Subject: The matter of sending the table of the strength of your section/village.
Reference: #32 Infantry Battalion, Kya In Seik Gyi Town- 7-3-2002 Date Letter No: xx/xx/Oo x
1. Know that the sending of the data of your sections/villages like below, was demanded by the reference letter.
(a) VPDC organisation (chairperson, secretary, member)
(b) Register of number of people (total of ethnicities)
(c) Register of the houses
(d) Businesses for living (farming/agriculture/breeding)
(e) Field acres
(f) Register of political parties
(g) Register of surrendered people
(h) Register of people released after lawful action was taken
(i) Register of the people who have arrived back after being lost [refugees].
(j) Register of the people who are lost until now [currently refugees or internally displaced].
(k) Register of the people who led during the affair time [past leaders in the resistance].
(l) Buddhist monasteries
(m) Register of the Islam religious schools
(n) Register of the pagoda trustee members
(o) Register of the Christian churches
(k) Register of other religious schools
2. Therefore, when you send the above data to #32 Infantry Battalion, also send 1 copy to this Township Peace and Development Council Office, you are informed.
(Thet Naing Oo, Pa/3642)
Copy to-
Office Receipt/File
Order #381 (Dooplaya)
Township Peace and Development Council
Kya In Seik Gyi town
Township Peace and Development Council
Kya In Seik Gyi Township-Kya In Seik Gyi Town
Letter Number: x/x-x/Oo x (xxxx)
Date: Year 2002, March 21st
Chairperson/village head
xxxx Section/Village
Kya In Seik Gyi Town.
Subject: The matter of sending the register of the people who will attend the section/village regular meeting that is held monthly at the end of the month.
1. For holding the monthly discussion meeting concerned with the civilians’ social duties, economy, security for the sections/villages at the end of the month at the performance hall at Kya In Seik Gyi Township, send the register of the names of the chairperson, members and secretary from the sections/villages who will attend the meeting that will be held on the March 31st 2002 Sunday at 12:00 in noon, you are informed.
2. Therefore, send the register of the names who will meet at the regular monthly meeting at the end of the month to arrive at this office monthly on the 25th with the section/village head, you are informed.
(That Naing Oo, Pa/3642)
Copy to-
Office Receipt/ File
Order #382 (Toungoo)
Stamp: Date: 23-3-2002
#48 Infantry Battalion
Date: 23-3-2002
#x Company-xxx Camp
Chairperson - Secretary
I am writing to inform you to know. The matter is when this letter is received, come quickly to send the information to xxxx [Army] Camp, you are informed and letting you know.
Stamp: Camp Commander
xxxx Camp
[On the back this order is addressed “To: Chairperson-Secretary, xxxx village. Date: 23-3-2002”]
Order #383 (Thaton)
To: Stamp:
Village Head #118 Light Infantry Battalion
xxxx village Date: 7/4
xxxx [camp]
Subject: Come to the camp.
[We] want to know the condition of the bridges that the Village Head’s village takes responsibility for and the acres of sugar cane planted, so come without fail to the [Army] camp on 9-4-2002, you are informed.
Camp Commander
Date: 7-4-2002 xxxx Camp
Order #384 (Papun)
#27 Infantry Battalion
Column #x Headquarters
Subject: Sending the register of the number of the people in the village.
Collect the list of the names, ages and occupations from each family who are living in the village, and send it to arrive to the column at yyyy today, you are informed.
Place: yyyy [Sd.]
Date: 6-5-2002 Intelligence Sergeant
#27 Infantry Battalion
[On the back this order is addressed to “xxxx [village]”.]
Order #385 (Toungoo)
To: Date: 28-5-2002
xxxx village
Subject: Demanding the names for the family register.
Regarding the above subject, from the Chairperson’s village, Chairperson yourself put all the names on the family register and come to meet at yyyy village, you are informed.
Do as the example below.
No Name Age Father’s name
1 aaaa 20 U bbbb
Guerrilla Unit
[A ‘Guerrilla Unit’ is one of the Guerrilla Retaliation Units set up to search out and kill any suspected members of the resistance in Toungoo and Nyaunglebin Districts.]
Order #386 (Papun)
To: Stamp:
Chairperson Frontline #63 Infantry Battalion
xxxx village Column #x Headquarters
Date: 31/5/2002
Subject: Informing to come and meet.
Regarding the above subject, xxxx Village Chairperson yourself, as soon this letter is received now, the elder must come to report information to xxxx Army Camp, you are informed.
Army Camp Commander
Order #387 (Dooplaya)
Stamp: To: 10-6-2002
Frontline #77 Infantry Battalion Chairperson xxxx village
Column #x
Subject: Come to report information to xxxx Camp
Regarding the above subject, you must come every 3 days to report information with the messenger. Because the Chairperson from xxxx didn’t come to send the information, so when this letter arrives send 500 dogfruits on 11-6-2002 with the messenger, you are informed.
(For) Camp Commander Corporal aaaa
xxxx Camp
Order #388 (Dooplaya)
Stamp: To: 11-6-2002
Frontline #77 Infantry Battalion Chairperson
Column #x xxxx village
Subject: Calling a meeting.
Frontline #88 Light Division Headquarters will hold a meeting with village heads in Kyaikdon, so Chairperson yourself come without fail to report information to Frontline #88 Light Division Headquarters at Kyaikdon to arrive on 22-6-2002, you are informed.
Camp Commander
xxxx Camp
For xxxx Camp, come to send 2 viss [3.2 kgs. / 7.2 lbs.] of durian, 500 [pieces] of dogfruit to arrive on 15-6-2002.
Order #389 (Dooplaya)
Stamp: To: 11-6-2002
Frontline#77 Infantry Battalion Chairperson
Column #x xxxx village
Subject: Calling a meeting.
A meeting will be held with village heads at the Frontline #88 Light Infantry Division Headquarters at Kyaikdon, so Chairperson yourself come without fail to report information to the Frontline #88 at Kyaikdon to arrive on 22-6-2002, you are informed.
Camp Commander
xxxx Camp
Order #390 (Dooplaya)
Stamp: To: Date: 17-6-2002
Frontline #83 Infantry Battalion Secretary
Column #x Head
xxxx village
Take the village list, school list and monastery list, then come to the camp on 15-6-2002 to arrive at 12 o’clock.
Note: [Sd.]
Camp Commander
xxxx Camp
Order #391 (Dooplaya)
Stamp: To: 19-6-2002
Frontline #77 Infantry Battalion Chairperson
Column #x xxxx village
Subject: Come to report information to xxxx Camp.
#88 Light [Infantry] Division Headquarters (Kyaikdon) will hold a meeting with Chairpersons. Instead of June 22nd, you have to send the information on June 29th.
Therefore, to coordinate and discuss in advance with all the chairpersons, come to report information to xxxx Camp on 23-6-2002, you are informed.
Camp Commander
xxxx Camp
Order #392 (Dooplaya)
To: 4-7-2002
xxxx village
Subject: Come to report information to xxxx Camp.
Come to report information to xxxx Camp on 6-7-2002 at 11 o’clock in the morning, you are informed.
If you fail harsh action will be taken.
Camp Commander
xxxx Camp
[When the village head went the soldiers asked her about the movements of the KNLA soldiers around her village.]
Order #393 (Papun)
Stamp: Date: 11-7-2002
#63 Infantry Battalion
#x Company
xxxx [village]
When you receive this letter now, come without fail to report information to the army camp on 11-7-2002 to arrive at 10:00 o’clock.
Stamp: Company Commander
#63 Infantry Battalion
Order #394 (Thaton)
To: Stamp:
Chairperson #207 Light Infantry Battalion
xxxx Village Tract Battalion Office Date- 13-7-02
Subject: Invitation to a meeting.
1. Frontline #44 Light Infantry Division Headquarters must hold a meeting with the village heads in the local villages at yyyy village on 18th of July 2002 at 09:00 hours, so the Elder yourself must report information without fail on 17th of July 2002 to arrive at 4 o’clock in the evening and if you fail, it is the responsibility of the elder, you are informed.
2. Reply whether this letter was received by the messenger who comes now.
Camp Commander
xxxx Army Camp
Frontline #207 Light Infantry Battalion
Order #395 (Papun)
To: 13-8-02
Saw aaaa
xxxx [village]
As soon as this is letter is received now, come report information to the Strategic Operations Command. Big Operations Commander wants to meet with Saw aaaa, so he ordered me to inform you.
xxxx [village]
Order #396 (Papun)
Stamp: 17-8-2002
LIB#1 Saturday
Battalion Headquarters Office
[To:] Chairperson
xxxx village
We know that the insurgents led by aaaa with 20 people who were each holding small arms, 1 RPG, 1 walkie-talkie entered yyyy village on the 10th day morning and went to xxxx village. The Chairperson must tell if this news is right / not right and if a lie is told, it is the responsibility of the chairperson. You must tell truly, we are sending one messenger.
[Sd.] 17-8-2002, SAT[urday]
Camp Commander
xxxx Base Camp
[Orders such as these place the village head in a difficult position. Obviously the Camp Commander knows that the KNLA had come to the village, but yet he still asks the village head for information. If the village head says he knows nothing he will be punished, and if he says the news is correct he risks being labelled as helping the resistance and punished anyway.]
Order #397 (Toungoo)
Village Head (xxxx) [village]
xxxx (Column Commander) said to do the register and send it to him.
1. Register of the houses
2. Register of (female/male) numbers.
3. Over 12 years old, under 12 years old.
4. Register of the students.
Send to arrive on 24/8/2002.
[This order was written in Karen and sent from one village chairperson to another.]
Order #398 (Papun)
Chairperson / Head
xxxx / yyyy / zzzz / vvvv / wwww / uuuu villages
Collect the data below completely, then the responsible person yourself come without fail to send to arrive on 3-9-2002, you are informed.
[Sd.] Captain 31/8
Company Commander
Frontline IB#51 Company #x
xxxx Army Camp
List of the monks
No |
No |
Name of the Bweh [Buddhist degree] |
Name of the Bweh [Buddhist degree] |
Name of the mother |
Name of the mother |
Name of the father |
Name of the father |
Wa Daw [how many years in the monkhood |
Wa Daw [how many years in the monkhood |
Age |
Age |
Name of the monastery |
Name of the monastery |
No |
Name of the Bweh [Buddhist degree] |
Name of the mother |
Name of the father |
Wa Daw [how many years in the monkhood |
Age |
Name of the monastery |
No |
Name of the Bweh [Buddhist degree] |
Name of the mother |
Name of the father |
Wa Daw [how many years in the monkhood |
Age |
Name of the monastery |
List of the male/female schoolteachers and male/female students
No |
No |
Name |
Name |
Age |
Age |
Father’ name |
Father’ name |
School |
School |
Grade |
Grade |
Government appointed |
Government appointed |
Village appointed |
Village appointed |
Note |
Note |
No |
Name |
Age |
Father’ name |
School |
Grade |
Government appointed |
Village appointed |
Note |
No |
Name |
Age |
Father’ name |
School |
Grade |
Government appointed |
Village appointed |
Note |
List of the villagers’ numbers
No |
No |
The head of the family |
The head of the family |
Age |
Age |
Father’s name |
Father’s name |
Occupation |
Occupation |
Number of males |
Number of males |
Number of females |
Number of females |
Note |
Note |
No |
The head of the family |
Age |
Father’s name |
Occupation |
Number of males |
Number of females |
Note |
No |
The head of the family |
Age |
Father’s name |
Occupation |
Number of males |
Number of females |
Note |
[On the back this order is addressed to “Head, xxxx [village].”]
Order #399 (Papun)
[To:] Head,
Make the register as below and send [it] to the camp on 4-9-02.
1. Houses, total number of people, total of the male, female numbers (Each family with list of the names.
2. Village head, name and age.
3. School (number of government sponsored, on a self-help basis, monastery, church, Islam schools)
aaaa 1/9/02
Order #400 (Dooplaya)
Stamp: To: Date: 4-9-2002
Frontline #77 Infantry Battalion Chairperson
Column #x xxxx village
Subject: Come to send information to xxxx Camp.
On 5-6-2002, Chairperson or Secretary yourself come without fail to send the information to xxxx Camp, you are in formed.
Camp Commander
xxxx Camp
Order #401 (Papun)
Chairperson aaaa
Mother, uncle, collect the register of the villagers who entered the DKBA military group, name, age, father’s name, mother’s name, the education level and the places where the villagers are living now, then send with the messenger to arrive on 7-9-2002 at 08:00 time, you are informed.
[Sd.]Captain 5/9
Camp Commander
xxxx Army Camp
[On the back this order is addressed to “Chairperson, aaaa, xxxx village.”]
Order #402 (Papun)
To: 17-9-2002
xxxx village
Papun township
Subject: Sending the register of family numbers.
Regarding the above subject, in accordance with the directive of the Column Commander, Major aaaa, from IB#51 Column #x, as soon as this letter is received, collect the register of family lists, total of the houses and total of the male/female numbers from the Elder’s village and send [them] to xxxx Army Camp, you are informed.
xxxx Warrant Officer bbbb
(For) Column Commander
Frontline IB#51, Column #x
K’Dtaing Dee
Order #403 (Papun)
Peace and Development Council
K’Dtaing Dee Village Tract
Family register
No |
No |
Village Name |
Village Name |
Name of the village head |
Name of the village head |
Number of houses |
Number of houses |
Number of people
Number of people
Note Monastery, school |
Note Monastery, school |
No |
Male |
Village Name |
Female |
Name of the village head |
Total |
No |
Village Name |
To arrive
Name of the village head |
Number of houses |
Number of people
Note Monastery, school |
| |
No |
Village Name |
Name of the village head |
Number of houses |
Number of people
Note Monastery, school |
Male |
Female |
Total |
To arrive
Stamp: (for) Chairperson
Village Peace and Development Council
K’Dtaing Dee Village Tract, Papun Township
[On the back this order is addressed “To: Head, xxxx [village].”]
Order #404 (Papun)
To: Stamp:
Chairperson Frontline #51 Infantry Battalion
Column #x Headquarters
Collect the list of village head’s name, number of houses and number of people from xxxx village, then send quickly with the messenger who comes now.
Your help is requested.
Frontline #51, Column #x
Temporary K’Dtaing Dee Camp
[Sd.] 18-9-2002
[This order is a follow on to Order #403 above. The SPDC officer felt that the village tract chairperson’s order was not exact enough so he wrote this one.]
Order #405 (Dooplaya)
Stamp: To: 8-10-2002
Frontline # [illegible] Chairperson
Column #x xxxx village
Subject: Come to send the information to xxxx Camp.
Chairperson from xxxx village, when this letter arrives, Chairperson yourself come without fail to report the information, you are informed.
Do not fail.
[Sd.] Captain
Camp Commander
xxxx Camp
[When the chairperson went the SPDC officer asked about whether KNLA soldiers were in the area or not, and said that the chairperson had to send information everyday by messenger.]
Order #406 (Papun)
Stamp: To: Date: 22-10-2002
#98 Infantry Battalion Head
#x Company xxxx village
Come to report information to xxxx Army Camp to arrive on 24-10-2002 at 9 o’clock in the morning, you are informed.
(For) Company Commander
Stamp: Company Commander
#x Company
#98 Infantry Battalion
[An officer at the camp told the village head to tell the KNLA soldiers to not come and lay landmines or conduct ambushes along the car road. SPDC officers sometimes order the village heads to do this, but the village heads often have little influence over the KNLA making it an unrealistic command. However, the village heads are still held accountable if ambushes take place or landmines explode.]
Order #407 (Papun)
Stamp: To: Date: 28-10-2002
#98 Infantry Battalion Chairperson
#x Company xxxx village
Come to report information to xxxx Army Camp on 29-10-2002, at 8 o’clock in the morning.
xxxx Camp
Order #408 (Dooplaya)
Stamp: To:
Frontline #77 Infantry Battalion Chairperson
Column #x xxxx village
Subject: Come to send the information.
Chairperson yourself from xxxx village come to send the information to yyyy village on 30-10-2002.
(Come to arrive at 09:00 hours.)
[Sd.] Major
(For) Column Commander
[The column commander asked about the movements of KNLA soldiers in the area and announced that a new battalion would be coming to replace his.]
Order #409 (Papun)
To: 30/10/2002
xxxx Village Head
As soon as [you] receive this letter, come to report information to the Strategic Operations Command.
Captain aaaa
Strategic Operations Command
Order #410 (Papun)
Stamp: To: Date: 3-11-2002
#534 Light Infantry Battalion Chairperson
#x Company xxxx village
Papun Township
Subject: Sending the data
From the Elder’s village; houses, families, number of people under 12 years old, over 12 years old, total numbers of people, monastery and name, age, Buddhist lent, name acquired on attaining monkhood of the presiding monk and quantity of the monks, name and age of the chairperson and father’s name, name and age of the secretary and father’s name, Christian school and whether there are any other religion’s school or not. If it is there, name, age of the pastor and father’s name. We also have another emergency matter, so Chairperson or Secretary and one of the school male/female teachers collect the above data and come without fail to yyyy village to arrive on 4-11-2002, you are informed.
Stamp: Company Commander
#x Company
#534 Light Infantry Battalion
Order #411 (Dooplaya)
Stamp: To:
Frontline #78 Infantry Battalion Chairperson
xxxx village
Subject: Village Chairpersons must come to report the information.
Regarding the above subject, Chairperson from xxxx village must come to meet with the new xxxx camp commander on 7-11-2002, you are informed.
Camp Commander
Order #412 (Papun)
#350 Light Infantry Battalion
Column #x
Subject: Come to meet.
Regarding the above subject, we have to discuss the emergency matter, so Village Chairperson and one villager total two people come (without fail) to meet and report the information to xxxx Camp on 14-11-02 to arrive at 12:00 time noon, you are informed.
Place: xxxx Camp [Sd.]
Date: (12-11-02) Stamp: (For) Column Commander
#350 Light Infantry Battalion
Order #413 (Papun)
Stamp: To:
#350 Light Infantry Battalion Chairperson
Column #x xxxx village
Subject: Sending the register of family numbers.
Regarding the above subject, collect quickly the register of families and register of the number of people in xxxx village, then Village Chairperson yourself come quickly to send [them] to xxxx Camp, you are informed.
Place: (xxxx Camp) [Sd.]
Date: (18-11-02) Stamp: (For) Column Commander
#350 Light Infantry Battalion
Order #414 (Papun)
To: Date:23-11-02
xxxx village
Thank you a lot for helping all together from the village. We know that Village Head is sick, so tell if need medicine. If the people who are not good are travelling near your village let [us] know at once.
[By ‘people who are not good’ he means KNU/KNLA.]
Order #415 (Papun)
Stamp: To: 24-11-2002
#350 Light Infantry Battalion Chairperson
Column #x xxxx village
Subject: Make inquiries about the engine boat group and reply
Regarding the above subject, did the engine boats arrived / not arrive at xxxx village yesterday night and if [they] arrived, make inquires exactly to the name of the engine boat, name of the owner, goods included and names of the engine drivers who came with the boats, then reply quickly, you are informed.
Mobile Column
Order #416 (Papun)
Stamp: To: Date: 25-11-02
#350 Light Infantry Battalion Chairperson
Column #x xxxx village
Collect a list of the names of people who do hill fields in the hills of yyyy west and the name list of the people who do hill fields in the hills of zzzz west, then send them to arrive today by messenger, you are informed.
xxxx Camp
Order #417 (Papun)
Stamp: To: Date: 25-11-02
#350 Light Infantry Battalion Chairperson
Column #x xxxx village
Draw an outline map of the table of xxxx village, in accordance with the village form with the present family numbers, write the names of family in-charge from each house, then collect and present the names of the school and monastery and other buildings, then send it quickly with messenger, you are informed.
1. Chairperson xxxx Camp
Order #418 (Dooplaya)
To: 25-11-02
xxxx, New Village, Old Village
As soon as this letter is received now, come without fail to send the information to yyyy village, you are informed.
Column Commander
Order #419 (Papun)
To: 30-11-2002
xxxx village
As soon as this letter is received,
collect (1) Village Names (2) Names of the Village Heads (3) Number of male / female teachers (4) Monastery (5) Church (6) School (7) Number of people (8) Number of houses (9) Number of hill fields and Chairperson yourself must come on 1-12-2002 to arrive at 8 o’clock in the morning. If you do not arrive on time harsh action will be taken, you are informed.
[Sd.] 2002 Kyaw
Camp Commander
xxxx Camp
[This order was written in red ink as a warning to the village head.]
Order #420 (Dooplaya)
To: 23-12-02
xxxx village
Subject: Come to send the information to the Column Commander.
1. On 21-12-02 at 16:30 hours in the evening, we knew that the insurgents with a strength of about 30 people crossed from yyyy to xxxx.
2. Find out this information and which village they continue going to, when you receive this letter, come quickly to meet and send the information to the Column Commander at Kya In Gyi, you are informed.
(For) Column Commander
Order #421 (Dooplaya)
To: 28-12-2002
xxxx village
As soon as this letter is received now, come without fail to report information to xxxx Camp.
Camp Commander
xxxx Camp
Order #422 (Dooplaya)
To: 17-1-2003
xxxx village
As soon as this letter is received, come without fail to send the information to xxxx Camp.
Camp Commander
xxxx Camp
Order #423 (Papun)
To: 25/1/03
- We have to ask for an emergency so come at once to yyyy.
- If you have the census ready that you collected, bring it.
- If you have an assistant [village] head, bring him.
- We also want to know the name the presiding monk of the village monastery acquired on attaining monkhood and his history. (If you don’t know now, okay.)
- We have to call you, because of the Operations Command’s questions. If finished, we will send you back.
-It is an emergency. Do not waste time. Come at once.
Captain aaaa
Order #424 (Papun)
#340 Light Infantry Battalion
Military Staff
xxxx Village Tract Date:4-2-2003
Subject: Sending yyyy village head.
Regarding the above subject, yyyy village head is to come and report information to #340 Light Infantry Battalion on February 4th 2003 at 12:00 hours, zzzz Chairperson must go to call [him/her]then send, you are informed.
[Sd.] Major
Headquarters Company Commander
Order #425 (Papun)
Stamp: To:
#365 Light Infantry Battalion Chairperson
Military Staff Department xxxx village
xxxx Chairperson and Secretary, 2 people, as soon as this letter is received, quickly report the information.
(For) Camp Commander
xxxx Camp
Order #426 (Papun)
U aaaa
[We] have an emergency matter, so bring the family register and come together with the person who brings the letter now to meet with the column commander. (Come without fail.) Also bring 1 servant.
Stamp: Deputy Battalion Commander
#38 Infantry Battalion
[On the back this order is addressed to “xxxx village.”]